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index.html 简洁、强大和极易定制的 Zsh 提示符
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简洁、强大和极易定制的 Zsh 提示符 它将你可能需要的方便工作的一切结合起来,而不会造成不必要的麻烦。 像真正的宇宙飞船一样。 快速上手 源代码
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清晰而简洁 /assets/images/what-is-needed.svg 该提示符不臃肿,它只显示当前您需要的内容 (当前目录git 分支,等等)。
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轻松设定 /assets/images/out-of-the-box.svg 提示符在安装后即可正常工作,没有任何附加配置。 安装并使用它。
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可配置 /assets/images/configurable.svg 该提示符是零配置的,但如果需要自定义的话,它将提供一个易于自定义的接口。
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Wix https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/wix.svg
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Google https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/google.svg
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Siemens https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Siemens-logo.svg
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Microsoft https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/microsoft.svg
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Adobe https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Adobe_Corporate_logo.svg
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Docker https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/docker.svg
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Shopify https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Shopify_logo_2018.svg
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GitHub https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/github.svg
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Red Hat https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/redhat.svg
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Amazon Web Services https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/aws.svg
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Facebook https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/facebook-7.svg
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npm https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/npm.svg
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Unity Technologies https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/unity-technologies-logo.svg
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Angular https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/angular.svg
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Mozilla https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/mozilla.svg
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Framer https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/framer.svg
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Grammarly https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/grammarly.svg
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Skyscanner https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Skyscanner_Logo_LockupHorizontal_SkyBlue_RGB.svg
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Node.js https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/nodejs.svg
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Vue Storefront https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/vue-storefront.svg
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Coinbase https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/coinbase-1.svg
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Suse https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/suse.svg




Spaceship is a superpowered Zsh prompt. Prompt is what you see when you type a command. It can show a lot of useful tips, saving your time and making user experience smooth and pleasant.

Here are some sneak picks of what Spaceship can show:

  • Clever hostname and username displaying
  • Repository statuses (Git and Mercurial are supported)
  • Runtime environments for various languages (Node.js, Rust, Python, Ruby, Swift, Go, PHP and many others)
  • Docker version, Kubernetes context and connected machine
  • Package version (npm, lerna, cargo, composer and others)
  • Battery level and status
  • Indicator for jobs in the background
  • A lot of useful information
  • Custom information of your choice

需要更多功能? 请 提出 issue,描述你的问题,我们将乐意帮助你。


Installing Spaceship is simple and quick. It's configurable and easy to use. It's configurable and easy to use. 它是可配置的,易于使用。

Installation{.md-button} Configuration{.md-button}


Join our community and consider contributing to the project.

:material-hand-heart: Contribute{.md-button} :fontawesome-brands-twitter: Twitter{.md-button} :fontawesome-brands-discord: Discord{.md-button} :fontawesome-brands-github: Discussions{.md-button}


MIT © Denys Dovhan