2023-09-06 14:03:56 +02:00

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template: index.html
title: Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt
- navigation
title: Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt
subtitle: It combines everything you may need for convenient work, without unnecessary complications, like a real spaceship.
install_button: Getting Started
source_button: Source Code
title: Clean and simple
image: /assets/images/what-is-needed.svg
description: The prompt is not overloaded, it shows only what you need at the moment (current directory, git branch, etc).
title: Easy to set up
image: /assets/images/out-of-the-box.svg
description: The prompt works right after installation without any additional configuration. install it and use it.
title: Configurable
image: /assets/images/configurable.svg
description: The prompt is zero-config, but if a customization is needed, it provides an easy-to-use interface for customization.
title: Used daily by marvelous folks at
name: Wix
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/wix.svg
name: Google
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/google.svg
name: Siemens
logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Siemens-logo.svg
name: Microsoft
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/microsoft.svg
name: Adobe
logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Adobe_Corporate_logo.svg
name: Docker
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/docker.svg
name: Shopify
logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Shopify_logo_2018.svg
name: GitHub
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/github.svg
name: Red Hat
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/redhat.svg
name: Amazon Web Services
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/aws.svg
name: Facebook
logo: https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/facebook-7.svg
name: npm
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/npm.svg
name: Unity Technologies
logo: https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/unity-technologies-logo.svg
name: Angular
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/angular.svg
name: Mozilla
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/mozilla.svg
name: Framer
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/framer.svg
name: Grammarly
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/grammarly.svg
name: Skyscanner
logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Skyscanner_Logo_LockupHorizontal_SkyBlue_RGB.svg
name: Node.js
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/nodejs.svg
name: Vue Storefront
logo: https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/vue-storefront.svg
name: Coinbase
logo: https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/coinbase-1.svg
name: Suse
logo: https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/suse.svg
# Welcome aboard, Astronaut!
<div class="terminal-demo">
<script id="asciicast-513451" src="https://asciinema.org/a/513451.js" data-autoplay="true" data-loop="true" data-preload="true" async></script>
<object class="asciicast" type="image/svg+xml" data="/assets/images/spaceship-demo.svg">
<img src="/assets/images/spaceship-demo.gif" alt="Spaceship demo" />
## Features
**Spaceship** is a superpowered Zsh prompt. Prompt is what you see when you type a command. It can show a lot of useful tips, saving your time and making user experience smooth and pleasant.
Here are some sneak picks of what **Spaceship** can show:
- Clever hostname and username displaying
- Repository statuses (Git and Mercurial are supported)
- Runtime environments for various languages (Node.js, Rust, Python, Ruby, Swift, Go, PHP and many others)
- Docker version, Kubernetes context and connected machine
- Package version (npm, lerna, cargo, composer and others)
- Battery level and status
- Indicator for jobs in the background `✦`
- A lot of [useful information](/sections)
- Custom [information of your choice](/advanced/creating-section)
Want more features? Please, [open an issue](https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/yspaceship-prompt/issues/new/choose) or send pull request.
## Getting Started
Installing Spaceship is simple and quick. It's configurable and easy to use.
[Installation](/getting-started ""){.md-button} [Configuration](/config/intro ""){.md-button}
## Support
Join our community and consider contributing to the project.
[:material-hand-heart: Contribute](/contribute ""){.md-button} [:fontawesome-brands-twitter: Twitter](https//twitter.com/SpaceshipPrompt ""){.md-button} [:fontawesome-brands-discord: Discord](https://discord.gg/NTQWz8Dyt9 ""){.md-button} [:fontawesome-brands-github: Discussions](https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt/discussions/ ""){.md-button}
## License
MIT © [Denys Dovhan](http://denysdovhan.com)