2023-06-30 21:45:57 +02:00

36 lines
2.2 KiB

# Node.js `node`
!!! important "This section is rendered asynchronously by default"
!!! info
[**Node.js**]( is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
The `node` section displays the current version of the Node.js binary. This section supports [nvm](, [nodenv](, [fnm]( version managers or uses `node -v` if non of the above is installed.
This section is displayed only when the current directory is within a Node.js project, meaning:
* Upsearch finds a `package.json` file
* Upsearch finds a `node_modules` folder
* Upsearch finds a `.nvmrc` file
* Upsearch finds a `.node-version` file
* Contains any other file with `.js`, `.cjs` or `.mjs` extension
## Setting the default Node.js version
If you want to avoid showing the Node.js section for a specific Node.js version (for example system installed version), use the `SPACESHIP_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION` environment variable. The section will be hidden if the current version of the Node.js is equal to the one specified in the variable.
```zsh title=".spaceshiprc.zsh"
## Options
| Variable | Default | Meaning |
|:-------------------------------- |:----------------------------------:| ---------------------------------------- |
| `SPACESHIP_NODE_SHOW` | `true` | Show section |
| `SPACESHIP_NODE_ASYNC` | `true` | Render section asynchronously |
| `SPACESHIP_NODE_SYMBOL` | `⬢·` | Symbol displayed before the section |
| `SPACESHIP_NODE_COLOR` | `green` | Section's color |
| `SPACESHIP_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION` | `` | Node.js version to be treated as default |