2023-06-16 22:58:47 +02:00

523 lines
39 KiB

## [4.10.1]( (2022-11-12)
### Bug Fixes
* **section:** Fix newline characters in section suffix. ([e585e9d](, closes [#1267](
# [4.10.0]( (2022-11-10)
### Bug Fixes
* **java:** Added support gradle kotlin dsl ([#1289]( ([5b186d6](
* **java:** detect empty java version ([178ffc9](
* **sudo:** Sudo should be hidden by default ([36a5852](
* **upsearch:** find complains about -name. Fix [#1286]( ([5e8b7c0](
* **upsearch:** Prevent globs from expanding to early ([b10e093](
### Features
* **gnu_screen:** Add Screen session section to prompt ([#1062]( ([f996381](
* **sudo:** Add sudo section ([49ce387](
* **vlang:** Add V Section ([#877]( ([9399e09](
## [4.9.1]( (2022-11-09)
### Bug Fixes
* **upsearch:** find warning for maxdepth ([8f961b6](
# [4.9.0]( (2022-11-09)
### Features
* **ansible:** Add Ansible section ([#1283]( ([30c7e6c](
* **docker_compose:** Add docker_compose section ([#1282]( ([f883f31](
* **haskell:** Add Cabal support ([b253370](
* **pulumi:** Add pulumi ([#834]( ([1ab9162](
# [4.8.0]( (2022-11-03)
### Bug Fixes
* detect root via version variable ([#1280]( ([111c6f1](, closes [#1140]( [#1140](
### Features
* **char:** Add different symbol according to returned value ([#673]( ([ac31311](, closes [#1109]( [#1273]( [#1248]( [#1278]( [#1262]( [#1275]( [#1135]( [#1269](
# [4.7.0]( (2022-11-02)
### Bug Fixes
* add shebangs for every file in the core ([f74df3f](
* **docker:** recognize docker in .devcontainer folder (for vscode) ([#1109]( ([a6a8e7d](
### Features
* **java:** add support for ant ([#1273]( ([ec7abcd](
* **nix_shell:** Added Nix Shell section ([#1248]( ([b6760b8](
* **ocaml:** Add OCaml section ([#1278]( ([98fb3ee](
* **package:** add Dart to the package section ([#1262]( ([d1668e2](
* **package:** Support pyproject.toml for package section ([#1275]( ([8543506](
* **perl:** Adding perl section ([#1135]( ([d3c2bf6](
* **scala:** Add new Scala section ([#1269]( ([fffea87](
## [4.6.1]( (2022-10-14)
### Bug Fixes
* **java:** fix version retrieval when JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS exist in environment ([#1191]( ([2c3b7df](
* **node:** Add better detection for node context ([#1263]( ([7443d04](
# [4.6.0]( (2022-10-07)
### Bug Fixes
* locale dependent test ([#1253]( ([7477dfb](
* problem async section not updating ([b72b54a](
### Features
* add Dart section ([#1249]( ([f403f2f](
* add Lua section ([#1254]( ([7a3a2e9](
## [4.5.1]( (2022-09-30)
### Bug Fixes
* **kubectl:** Avoids checking kubectl server version if no context is loaded, stopping potential hangs ([#1246]( ([44819b0](
* prepend spaceship root folder to spaceship precompile path ([#1244]( ([6c4623f](
* upsearch was exiting when the first file is not found ([#1239]( ([dcfd690](
# [4.5.0]( (2022-09-23)
### Bug Fixes
* **crystal:** Include Crystal in order ([d215797](
* fix grep unknown option: --color ([#1206]( ([8a16414](, closes [#1066](
### Features
* **crystal:** Add Crystal section for 4.x ([c72c6c9](
* **deno:** Add Deno section ([c43f8c5](
## [4.4.1]( (2022-09-21)
### Bug Fixes
* fix grep unknown option: --color ([#1206]( ([540a17a](, closes [#1066](
# [4.4.0]( (2022-09-21)
### Features
* make package section to support maven and gradle ([#1209]( ([c8b6ce7](
## [4.3.3]( (2022-09-21)
### Bug Fixes
* attempt to fix [#1187]( ([9a5d7be](
## [4.3.2]( (2022-09-20)
### Bug Fixes
* mark spaceship libs as global ([e0a0926](
## [4.3.1]( (2022-09-19)
### Bug Fixes
* Delete the redundant space for kubectl symbol (iTerm2) ([#1205]( ([8ddbc81](
# [4.3.0]( (2022-09-16)
### Features
* fix package section file path ([71f527b](
## [4.2.6]( (2022-09-08)
### Bug Fixes
* **documentation:** use home variable instead of tilde ([#1189]( ([01e153e](
## [4.2.5]( (2022-09-05)
### Bug Fixes
* **npm:** Include async into npm package ([e9ff5af](
## [4.2.4]( (2022-09-05)
### Bug Fixes
* **config:** fix wrong path for spaceship config ([cf4b55e](, closes [#1184](
## [4.2.3]( (2022-09-05)
### Bug Fixes
* exec_time doc regarding time threshold trigger ([#1183]( ([ffd027b](
## [4.2.2]( (2022-09-05)
### Bug Fixes
* **julia:** Better detection for Julia projects ([b91ae3d](, closes [#678](
## [4.2.1]( (2022-09-05)
### Bug Fixes
* change the declaration of readonly variable to typeset ([f80bc28](, closes [#1175](
# [4.2.0]( (2022-09-02)
### Features
* Add ruby interpreter in datafile util ([005f9fa](
# [4.1.0]( (2022-09-02)
### Features
* **bun:** Add Bun section ([83ce0ee](
# [4.0.0]( (2022-09-01)
### Bug Fixes
* add permissions to scripts ([7c3e427](
* add x permissions to files ([9a34149](
* **async:** remove obsolete runtime variables ([2128ab0](
* cherry pick [#1089]( ([52448c1](
* **cli:** Add missing commands in help message ([c2eb3e3](
* compdef only when compdef is available ([c309af6](
* **docker:** add additional utils inside docker image ([8813eb0](
* fix command-line completion leving one letter on the beginning of prompt ([6a4abd5](, closes [#1064](
* **git:** Add explicit variable for async rendering ([cfa95e6](
* **git:** fix ahead/behind indicators ([a067c4d](
* **git:** Fix typo in a section signature ([f8ed612](
* **hg:** Add options for async rendering ([d5bdfa4](
* **kubectl:** fix kubectl section ([1b71e09](
* make core variables readonly ([1cd4756](
* NEWLINE variable doesn't work ([28b37f5](
* **ps2:** print PS2 properly ([0d9766c](
* put user config loading in a proper place ([5c68702](
* **python:** use python3 command ([0466bb8](
* **renderer:** fix missing options for globes ([107429c](
* rendering docker context ([b6a49f8](
* Resolve newline issue with command expansion ([bcfce70](
* **scripts:** Stop on errors ([ccee8e9](
* set proper message if no account ([#1099]( ([69f906c](
* support CLOUDSDK_CONFIG env ([#1122]( ([ae348f9](, closes [#1117](
* **tests:** render prefixes and suffixes only when they are not empty ([73c2c71](
* **upsearch:** Check repo properly ([4764ed9](
### Code Refactoring
* **ember:** remove ember from built-in sections ([05beb8b](
* **gradle:** migrate Gradle to a separate repo ([984bc01](
* **install:** simplify the installation process ([824f876](
* **maven:** migrate Maven to a separate repo ([3efd48b](
* **vi_mode:** move vi_mode to external section ([9ce611b](, closes [#586](
### Features
* add ability to forcefully render a section synchronously ([216f0f2](
* add IBM Cloud CLI section ([#912]( ([30b4b60](
* Add is_async util ([d539ee5](
* Add java section ([713f406](
* **async:** add an option to globaly disable/enable async rendering ([0ca1463](
* **async:** introduce async jobs indicator ([f0a75ce](
* **cli:** add a print command for CLI ([6843105](
* **cli:** add CLI ([205cb16](
* **cli:** add command completions for cli ([2ae45a4](
* **cli:** Add edit command ([b029587](
* **cli:** CLI for inserting and removing sections ([5dcce40](, closes [#318](
* **config:** Add ability to store config in ~/.config/spaceship ([b5dee37](
* **config:** introduce config file resolution ([e087459](, closes [#508](
* **docker:** add docker image and publishing it to ([77d7457](
* **exec_time:** display exec time with precision ([7b04aed](
* **git:** add ability to customize git and hg orders ([8a54cb3](, closes [#391](
* **haskell:** Look for .hs files ([b2eb8a3](
* **ibmcloud:** Enable async rendering for ibmcloud ([8391054](
* **package:** Add composer and julia support ([3f8bb1e](
* **perf:** Compile to zwc ([3549bbf](
* **registry:** Add custom sections registry ([86d64dd](
* **renderer:** render sync section on every render ([4e93ae0](
* **section:** migrate default section to v4 ([0684171](
* **section:** Migrate sections to new signature ([b3249fb](
* **section:** Named arguments for section ([201496b](
* **testkit:** add a simple testkit ([1ceca85](
* Upsearch for project files up the tree ([08f6d70](
* **vsc:** Make git and hg async ([9ddb9be](
### Performance Improvements
* **zwc:** Precompile root file and async ([ee5afc5](
* **zwc:** spaceship::precompile compiles sources to zwc ([58758e7](
* **section:** spaceship::section:v4 uses flags instead of arguments order to pass section params.
* **vi_mode:** vi_mode section is not include in core anymore
* **gradle:** Gradle section is not included by default. It can be installed additionally from:
* **maven:** Maven section is no longer available by default. It can be additionally installed
* **install:** Now users have to manually enable prompt system and choose spaceship
* **ember:** ember section is no longer available out of the box. It needs to be installed
## [3.16.7]( (2022-05-10)
### Bug Fixes
* revert problem with publishing to brew ([d76cc7b](
## [3.16.6]( (2022-05-09)
### Bug Fixes
* **brew:** Attempt to bump homebrew formula with main release ([5f476b1](
## [3.16.5]( (2022-03-28)
### Bug Fixes
* support CLOUDSDK_CONFIG env ([#1122]( ([6358eaf](, closes [#1117](
## [3.16.4]( (2022-02-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **readme:** Add notice about Ukraine ([93f328f](
## [3.16.3]( (2022-02-16)
### Bug Fixes
* set proper message if no account ([#1099]( ([15d2279](
## [3.16.2]( (2022-01-15)
### Bug Fixes
* don't show docker section when using colima ([#1101]( ([9b6e88b](
## [3.16.1]( (2021-11-05)
### Bug Fixes
* fix aws section bug ([#1089]( ([642f645](
# [3.16.0]( (2021-10-25)
### Features
* **aws:** Add support to aws-vault ([#1078]( ([ca8e8f0](
# [3.15.0]( (2021-10-11)
### Features
* add IBM Cloud CLI section ([#912]( ([6433544](
## [3.14.1]( (2021-08-30)
### Bug Fixes
* **docs:** fix discord announcement color ([91af763](
# [3.14.0]( (2021-07-28)
### Features
* **node:** Added support for fnm ([#1058]( ([b92b7d2](
## [3.13.4]( (2021-07-28)
### Bug Fixes
* Prevent unintended output when `dotnet --version` fails ([#1054]( ([d18449a](
## [3.13.3]( (2021-07-21)
### Bug Fixes
* fix maven 3.5.0 bug ([#1053]( ([c24ff52](
## [3.13.2]( (2021-07-12)
### Bug Fixes
* get GCLOUD_ACTIVE_CONFIG from ENVIRONMENT, if set ([#1046]( ([349240e](
## [3.13.1]( (2021-07-12)
### Bug Fixes
* docker section bug and optimize package section ([#1045]( ([b459a1a](
# [3.13.0]( (2021-07-09)
### Features
* **package:** add support for package version from lerna.json instead of package.json ([f09b9da](
## [3.12.26]( (2021-07-08)
### Bug Fixes
* **php:** Unalias grep for PHP version ([#1030]( ([354ae0f](, closes [#857](
## [3.12.8-3.12.25]( (2021-07-01)
### Bug Fixes
* **ci:** Attempt to fix release for Homebrew ([a1af3f6](
* **ci:** Move Homebrew formula to a separate job ([741bc3e](
* **ci:** Bump Homebrew only if new releaes is published. Pass tag-name. ([4412f68](
* **ci:** Fix syntax error in workflow file ([9119f46](
* **ci:** Move homebrew to a separate file ([554f065](
* **ci:** Attempt to fix Homebrew ([7d17060](
* **ci:** Attempt to fix homebrew with tags as array ([278a87d](
* **ci:** wrap tags in quotes ([742a310](
* **ci:** trigger homebrew on every tag push ([3e40ef8](
* **ci:** move homebrew back to ci workflow ([1c90270](
* **ci:** Update download url for Homebrew ([ab95d19](
* **ci:** Update download-url for homebrew once again ([838b68e](
* **ci:** Try dawidd6/action-homebrew-bump-formula ([002b9f7](
* **ci:** Try using PAT for publishing releases ([89e52f5](
* **ci:** Provide tag-name ([5238054](
* **ci:** Homebrew in separate file. Trigger via PAT ([30d4f74](
* **ci:** tags trigger as array ([57e46df](
* **ci:** Try using release as a trigger ([af38f82](
* **ci:** Add a comment and jobs canceling ([dbfaa0c](
## [3.12.7]( (2021-06-30)
### Bug Fixes
* **ruby:** Update ruby asdf version finder, asdf was updated to print version second ([#864]( ([24a75d8](
## [3.12.6]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* Revert changes from aaf35d562118e2074d8eaff89c749e1560776e44 ([d35eb19](
## [3.12.5]( (2021-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* Do not add a newline before prompt when terminal opens ([#1016]( ([aaf35d5](
## [3.12.4]( (2021-06-09)
### Bug Fixes
* fix maven section bug ([#960]( ([1c8348d](
## [3.12.3]( (2021-06-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **license:** Fix years in license ([da7984a](
## [3.12.2]( (2021-06-07)
### Bug Fixes
* tweak CI ([#958]( ([e9055c2](
## [3.12.1]( (2021-06-04)
### Bug Fixes
* **ci:** Fix typo in .releaserc.json ([4f19ada](
* **ci:** Specify which files to commit on release ([631df26](
# [3.12.0]( (2021-06-04)
### Bug Fixes
* **ci:** Fix workflow syntax error ([fcdf5c2](
* **ci:** Remove obsolete Node.js steps ([d74944f](
* change wrong env variables ([#817]( ([1d88d3f](
* change wrong env variables ([#817]( ([56c7e5d](
* Fix acpi output bug ([75dd4ff](
* Fix battery section bug because match function is supported at gawk ([#780]( ([1266cd9](
* Hardened the Docker context checking logic ([a853780](
* Hardened the Docker version checking logic ([e075f08](
* reformat ([51e6cf3](
* typo ([dc5c4d2](
### Features
* Add Runrioter as a maintainer ([b71f6ae](, closes [#747](
* Add semantic release cycle ([#956]( ([6220873](