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# 快速上手
欢迎登船! Let's install Spaceship on your machine, astronaut!
## 安装要求
Before we begin, let's make sure you have the following installed:
- [Zsh]( (v5.2 or recent) must be installed. Run the following command to check you version of Zsh:
echo $ZSH_VERSION #> 5.8.1
- [Powerline Font]( or [Nerd Font]( (even better) must be installed and used in your terminal. [Fira Code]( is a popular choice. To check if Powerline Font works for you, run:
echo -e "\xee\x82\xa0" #> 
## 安装
如果满足了这些要求,您可以通过以下任何方式安装 Spaceship
=== "手动方式"
!!! hint
If you're using any plugin manager, like Oh-My-Zsh, antigen, zgen, zplug or other, this might not be the best way to install Spaceship for you.
1. Clone this repo somewhere, for example to `$HOME/.zsh/spaceship`.
2. Source Spaceship in your `~/.zshrc`.
### 示例
```zsh title="Terminal"
mkdir -p "$HOME/.zsh"
git clone --depth=1 "$HOME/.zsh/spaceship"
为了初始化命令提示系统,需要将其添加到您的 `.zshrc` 中:
```zsh title=".zshrc"
source "$HOME/.zsh/spaceship/spaceship.zsh"
=== "Homebrew"
Installing Spaceship via Homebrew is a simple command:
```zsh title="Terminal"
brew install spaceship
Add prompt initialization to your `.zshrc`:
```zsh title="Terminal"
echo "source $(brew --prefix)/opt/spaceship/spaceship.zsh" >>! ~/.zshrc
!!! tip
You can also add the following to your [`Brewfile`]( to bundle Spaceship along with your other software:
```ruby title="Brewfile"
brew "spaceship"
=== "oh-my-zsh"
```zsh title="Terminal"
git clone "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt" --depth=1
将 `spaceship.zsh-theme` 软链到您 oh-my-zsh 的自定义主题目录:
```zsh title="Terminal"
ln -s "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt/spaceship.zsh-theme" "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship.zsh-theme"
在 `.zshrc` 中设置 `ZSH_THEME="spaceship"。
=== "npm"
Install Spaceship via npm as you would with any other global package:
``` title="Terminal"
npm install -g spaceship-prompt
This command will download Spaceship. It will also ask you to source Spaceship in your `~/.zshrc` file.
!!! tip
Update Spaceship to new versions as you would any other package.
=== "prezto"
- 遵循 [prezto-contrib#usage使用守则]( 将 `prezto-contrib` 克隆到正确的位置。
- 启用 `contrib-prompt` 模块(并且将其放在 `prompt` 模块之前)。
- 在您的 `.zpreztorc` 中设置 `zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'spaceship'` 。
=== "zim"
Add Spaceship to your `.zimrc`:
```zsh title=".zimrc"
zmodule spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt --name spaceship --no-submodules
Then install Spaceship:
```zsh title="Terminal"
zimfw install
=== "antigen"
将以下代码片段添加到您的 `.zshrc`中:
```zsh title=".zshrc"
antigen theme spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt
=== "antibody"
```zsh title=".zshrc"
antibody bundle spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt
=== "zinit"
将以下行添加到 `.zshrc`中您要添加其他 Zsh 插件的地方:
```zsh title=".zshrc"
zinit light spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt
=== "zgen"
将以下行添加到 `.zshrc`中您要添加其他 Zsh 插件的地方:
```zsh title=".zshrc"
zgen load spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt spaceship
=== "zplug"
在你的`.zshrc`中使用此命令加载 Spaceship 以使其作为命令提示系统的主题:
```zsh title=".zshrc"
zplug "spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt", use:spaceship.zsh, from:github, as:theme
=== "sheldon"
Add the following to your `plugins.toml` file (open it with `sheldon edit`):
```toml title="plugins.toml"
github = "spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt"
Or run the following to automatically add it:
```zsh title="Terminal"
sheldon add spaceship --github spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt
=== "Arch"
从 AUR 软件源安装最近的版本 [`spaceship-prompt-git`](
git clone --depth=1
cd spaceship-prompt-git
makepkg -si
## 恭喜您!
你已经成功了! 你已经在你的机器上安装了 Spaceship
下一步是什么? Spaceship 有合理的默认设置,但您可能想要根据需要调整它们。 Learn how to configure your Spaceship:
[Configure Spaceship](/config/intro ""){.md-button}
Additionally, join our community or consider contributing to the project.
[:material-hand-heart: Contribute](/contribute ""){.md-button} [:fontawesome-brands-twitter: Twitter](https// ""){.md-button} [:fontawesome-brands-discord: Discord]( ""){.md-button}
## 遇到问题?
Find answers on our troubleshooting page or get help by our community. 仍然困惑? Please, *file an issue*, describe your problem, and we will gladly help you.
[:fontawesome-brands-discord: Discord]( ""){.md-button} [:fontawesome-brands-github: Discussions]( ""){.md-button} [:fontawesome-brands-github: Issues]( ""){.md-button}