Christoph J. Scherr PlexSheep
  • Deutschland
  • I study cybersecurity focused computer science at DHBW Mannheim, while working at NewTec.

  • Joined on 2023-04-16
PlexSheep opened issue PlexSheep/py-basic#6 2023-04-20 15:50:01 +02:00
overtime countdown after beep time is reached
PlexSheep pushed to master at PlexSheep/configs 2023-04-20 13:43:54 +02:00
91b0713ddf plasmarestart
PlexSheep opened issue PlexSheep/py-basic#5 2023-04-20 13:22:23 +02:00
option for countdown to given time
PlexSheep commented on issue PlexSheep/py-basic#4 2023-04-20 10:23:13 +02:00
stopwatch countdown for beep

added in 1823feb53de0dccccc70fe6c6894f8da9e63af07

PlexSheep closed issue PlexSheep/py-basic#4 2023-04-20 10:23:13 +02:00
stopwatch countdown for beep
PlexSheep pushed to master at PlexSheep/py-basic 2023-04-20 10:22:55 +02:00
1823feb53d added countdown
PlexSheep opened issue PlexSheep/py-basic#4 2023-04-20 10:11:29 +02:00
stopwatch countdown for beep
PlexSheep closed issue PlexSheep/py-basic#1 2023-04-18 21:53:42 +02:00
add a beep sound after a user specified time to stopwatch
PlexSheep commented on issue PlexSheep/py-basic#1 2023-04-18 21:53:38 +02:00
add a beep sound after a user specified time to stopwatch

added in 30655c26fc9933aabf7e900ac32bc771a1dd3e46

PlexSheep pushed to master at PlexSheep/py-basic 2023-04-18 20:30:51 +02:00
30655c26fc added beeping and timeout notification
PlexSheep opened issue PlexSheep/py-basic#3 2023-04-18 16:14:41 +02:00
stopwatch idle animation
PlexSheep opened issue PlexSheep/py-basic#2 2023-04-18 15:49:32 +02:00
add a tui for stopwatch
PlexSheep opened issue PlexSheep/py-basic#1 2023-04-18 15:49:19 +02:00
add a beep sound after a user specified time to stopwatch
PlexSheep pushed to master at PlexSheep/py-basic 2023-04-18 15:35:41 +02:00
36e6302cfa moved basic decrypt
PlexSheep pushed to master at PlexSheep/py-basic 2023-04-18 15:34:24 +02:00
d920e4221f added basic cryptool
PlexSheep pushed to master at PlexSheep/py-basic 2023-04-17 12:07:37 +02:00
5e42f62373 moved sources to src dir
PlexSheep pushed to master at PlexSheep/py-basic 2023-04-17 12:00:18 +02:00
509e6538af typo
PlexSheep deleted branch main from PlexSheep/py-basic 2023-04-17 11:56:53 +02:00
PlexSheep created branch master in PlexSheep/py-basic 2023-04-17 11:56:53 +02:00
PlexSheep pushed to master at PlexSheep/c-basic 2023-04-17 11:53:31 +02:00
fdaf0a79ec move huffman to src/