# pt / libpt `pt` stands for either one of "personal tool", "plex tool", "pete" or something among those lines. It is a collection of tools that i might or might not use. The intended purpose of this repo is that I program whatever i feel is worth having in a personal thing into it, then use it as either a lib, crate, python module or executable. Let's see if I make it a bloated mess or stop committing after 30 hello worlds. #### But the name `pt` / `libpt` already exists! So what? I don't care. Besides, there is not enough names to name everything unique. # compiling TBD # installing TBD # Documentation TBD # Mirrored The origin of this repository is [git.cscherr.de](https://git.cscherr.de/PlexSheep/pt) It is mirrored to: - [GitHub](https://github.com/PlexSheep/pt) - [Codeberg](https://codeberg.org/PlexSheep/pt) # License GPL-3 or newer.