#!/bin/bash set -e cargo check --all-features echo ">>>>>>>> SELECT A NEW VERSION" cargo ws version --no-git-commit NEW_VERSION=$(cat Cargo.toml | rg '^\s*version\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$' -or '$1') bash scripts/set_all_versions.sh $NEW_VERSION git add -A git commit -m "Release v$NEW_VERSION" echo ">>>>>>>> SKIP!!!!!" cargo ws version --amend git push || true echo ">>>>>>>> PUBLISHING TO CRATES.IO NEXT" sleep 10 cargo publish -p libpt-log cargo publish -p libpt-core cargo publish -p libpt-bintols cargo publish -p libpt-net cargo publish -p libpt-math cargo publish -p libpt echo ">>>>>>>> PUBLISHING TO CSCHERR.DE NEXT" sleep 3 cargo publish --registry cscherr -p libpt-log cargo publish --registry cscherr -p libpt-core cargo publish --registry cscherr -p libpt-bintols cargo publish --registry cscherr -p libpt-net cargo publish --registry cscherr -p libpt-math cargo publish --registry cscherr -p libpt