monitoring struct

This commit is contained in:
Christoph J. Scherr 2023-07-09 15:54:43 +02:00
parent 354db00312
commit 791b04f71f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 25B4ACF7D88186CC
3 changed files with 127 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -15,9 +15,7 @@
//// IMPORTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
use libpt;
use clap::{Args, Parser, Subcommand};
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use clap_num::number_range;
@ -56,21 +54,12 @@ pub struct Cli {
pub verbose: Verbosity,
/// choose a subcommand
pub command: Commands,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Args)]
pub struct NetDiscoverArgs {
test: bool,
//// ENUMS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// # Top level commands
/// # defines the top level commands
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Subcommand)]
pub enum Commands {
@ -82,12 +71,13 @@ pub enum Commands {
/// defines the networking commands
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Subcommand)]
pub enum NetCommands {
/// monitor your network
Monitor {
/// repeat every N milliseconds, 0 means no repeat
/// repeat every N seconds, 0 means no repeat
#[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 0, name = "N")]
repeat: u64,

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@ -85,13 +85,14 @@ fn net(cli: &Cli, command: NetCommands) {
let _verbose = cli.verbose.log_level().is_some();
if repeat > 0 {
loop {
let status: uptime::UptimeStatus = uptime::check_status(&urls, success_ratio);
println!("{}", uptime::display_uptime_status(&status));
let status = uptime::UptimeStatus::new(success_ratio, &urls);
println!("{}", status);
} else {
let status: uptime::UptimeStatus = uptime::check_status(&urls, success_ratio);
println!("{}", uptime::display_uptime_status(&status));
let status = uptime::UptimeStatus::new(success_ratio, &urls);
println!("{}", status);
NetCommands::Discover {} => {}

View file

@ -14,24 +14,21 @@
// enable clippy's extra lints, the pedantic version
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{fmt, str::FromStr};
//// IMPORTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// we want the log macros in any case
use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
use reqwest;
use reqwest::{self, Url};
//// TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
pub type UptimeStatus = (bool, usize, usize);
//// CONSTANTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// urls used for checking by default
pub const DEFAULT_CHECK_URLS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
pub const DEFAULT_CHECK_URLS: &'static [&'static str] =
&["", ""];
//// STATICS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -40,79 +37,128 @@ pub const DEFAULT_CHECK_URLS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
//// ENUMS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// STRUCTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// ## Describes an uptime status
/// [`UptimeStatus`] describes the result of an uptime check.
pub struct UptimeStatus {
/// true if the [`UptimeStatus`] is considered successful
success: bool,
/// the percentage of reachable urls out of the total urls
success_ratio: u8,
/// the percentage of reachable urls out of the total urls that need to be reachable in order
/// for this [`UptimeStatus`] to be considered a success.
success_ratio_target: u8,
/// the number of reachable [`urls`]
reachable: usize,
/// which urls to check in [`check()`]
urls: Vec<Url>,
//// IMPLEMENTATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// PUBLIC FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// ## check uptime status
/// This function checks the current network status.
/// ### Parameters
/// additional_urls
/// ### Returns
/// The function returns a tuple of the format
/// `(status: [bool], reachable: [usize], checked: [usize])`
/// #### `status`
/// Will be `true` if the check is considered a success.
pub fn check_status(urls_strs: &Vec<String>, percentage_for_success: u8) -> UptimeStatus {
if percentage_for_success > 100 {
panic!("percentage_for_success is over 100: {percentage_for_success}")
let status: bool;
let mut reachable: usize = 0;
let total: usize = urls_strs.len();
info!("checking with the following URLs: {:?}", urls_strs);
let mut urls: Vec<reqwest::Url> = Vec::new();
for s in urls_strs {
let url = reqwest::Url::from_str(&s);
if url.is_ok() {
} else {
warn!("Invalid URL: '{}", s);
impl UptimeStatus {
/// ## create a new `UptimeStatus` and perform it's check
pub fn new(success_ratio_target: u8, urls_str: &Vec<String>) -> Self {
let mut status = UptimeStatus {
success: false,
success_ratio: 0,
reachable: 0,
urls: Vec::new(),
for s in urls_str {
let url = reqwest::Url::from_str(&s);
if url.is_ok() {
} else {
warn!("Invalid URL: '{}", s);
// make urls not mutable
let urls = urls;
for url in urls {
let response = reqwest::blocking::get(url);
if response.is_ok() {
reachable += 1
return status;
/// ## check for success with the given urls
/// Makes the actual https requests and updates the success fields.
pub fn check(&mut self) {
self.reachable = 0;
self.urls.iter().for_each(|url| {
let response = reqwest::blocking::get(url.clone());
if response.is_ok() {
self.reachable += 1
/// ## calculate the success based on the `reachable` and `total`
/// Calculates the ratio of [`reachable`](UptimeStatus::reachable) /
/// [`total`](UptimeStatus::total).
/// Calculates a [`success_ratio`](UptimeStatus::success_ratio) (as [u8]) from that,
/// by multiplying with 100, then flooring.
/// If the [`success_ratio`](UptimeStatus::success_ratio) is greater than or equal to the
/// [`success_ratio_target`](UptimeStatus::success_ratio_target), the [`UptimeStatus`] will be
/// considered a success.
/// In the special case that no URLs to check for have been provided, the check will be
/// considered a success, but the [`success_ratio`](UptimeStatus::success_ratio) will be `0`.
/// Note: does not check for networking, use [`check()`] for that.
pub fn calc_success(&mut self) {
// if no urls need to be checked, success without checking
if self.urls.len() == 0 {
self.success = true;
self.success_ratio = 0;
let ratio: f32 = (self.reachable as f32) / (self.urls.len() as f32) * 100f32;
debug!("calculated success_ratio: {}", ratio);
self.success_ratio = ratio.floor() as u8;
self.success = self.success_ratio >= self.success_ratio_target;
// evaluate the status
if total != 0 {
info!("reachability ratio: {}", ((reachable as f32) / total as f32) * 100f32);
status = ((reachable as f32) / total as f32) * 100f32 >= percentage_for_success as f32;
} else {
// no reachable domains at all!
info!("no valid services given");
status = true;
return (status, reachable, total);
/// ## display UptimeStatus
/// returns a fancy string that shows the UptimeStatus, so you can print it to the user.
pub fn display_uptime_status(status: &UptimeStatus) -> String {
success: {},
reachable: {},
checked: {}
status.0, status.1, status.2
impl fmt::Debug for UptimeStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
success: {},
success_ratio: {}%,
success_ratio_target: {}%,
reachable: {},
urls: {:?}\n}}",
self.success, self.success_ratio, self.success_ratio_target, self.reachable, self.urls
impl fmt::Display for UptimeStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut url_strs: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();
for url in &self.urls {
success: {},
success_ratio: {}%,
success_ratio_target: {}%,
reachable: {},
urls: {:?}\n}}",
self.success, self.success_ratio, self.success_ratio_target, self.reachable, url_strs
//// PUBLIC FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// PRIVATE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////