
126 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Dirty hash we covered in an excercise for Week 16 of 2023 in cryptography
@author: Christoph J. Scherr <>
@license: MIT
import math
import argparse
import random
DEFINED_INITIAL = bytearray(b'\xa5\xa5\xa5\xa5\x5a\x5a\x5a\x5a\x55\x55\x55\x55\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa')
def trash_hash(input: bytearray) -> bytearray:
#print("original len is %s" % len(input))
# extend with 0xff if length is not multiple of 16
while len(input) % 16 != 0:
# set n
n: int = math.ceil(len(input)/16)
#print("len is %s" % len(input))
#print("n is %s" % n)
# cut input into blocks with size 16
blocks = [bytearray(16)] * n # initializes with 0x00s
# print the empty blocks
#for block in blocks:
# print("block: %s" % block.hex())
for i in range(0, n):
blocks[i] = input[i*16:i*16 + 16]
# print the filled blocks
#for block in blocks:
# print("block: %s" % block.hex())
# initilaize accumulator A_0 with the following constant values:
# iterate over blocks
for index, block in enumerate(blocks):
if index == 0:
thing = bytes(by0 ^ by1 for by0, by1 in zip(A, block))
A = bytearray(thing)
return A
def test_collision(a: bytearray, b: bytearray) -> bool:
return trash_hash(a) == trash_hash(b)
def test_against_hash(input: bytearray, target_hash: bytearray) -> bool:
print("given input:\t%s" % input.hex())
print("given input (repr):\t%s" % input.decode(errors="ignore"))
hashed = trash_hash(input)
print("hashed variant:\t%s" % hashed.hex())
print("should be:\t%s" % THE_HASH.hex())
return trash_hash(input) == target_hash
# the hash we want to find in the preimage attacks
# comes from 'AAAA'
#THE_HASH_ORIGIN = bytearray(b'AAAA')
#THE_HASH = bytearray(b'\xe4\xe4\xe4\xe4\xa5\xa5\xa5\xa5\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\x55\x55\x55\x55')
# any custom hash you want to find a collision for:
# needs to be 16 bytes long
# TODO fill with padding if not long enough
THE_HASH_ORIGIN = bytearray(b'1249239473289754927513214 21421 4124 214 21')
def first_preimage():
print("Trying to find a message that produces %s" % THE_HASH.hex())
target = bytearray(b'\00' * 16)
input = bytearray(b'\00' * 16)
between = bytearray(16)
# this is an arbituary target
# should work for anything
target[0] = ord('A')
for i in range(0, 16):
between[i] = THE_HASH[i] ^ DEFINED_INITIAL[i]
#print("%d:\tbtw %s\ttar %s\thash %s\n\tini %s\tinp %s" % (i, between.hex(), target.hex(), THE_HASH.hex(), DEFINED_INITIAL.hex(), input.hex()))
input[i] = target[i] ^ between[i]
#print("%d:\tbtw %s\ttar %s\thash %s\n\tini %s\tinp %s" % (i, between.hex(), target.hex(), THE_HASH.hex(), DEFINED_INITIAL.hex(), input.hex()))
assert THE_HASH[i] == DEFINED_INITIAL[i] ^ between[i], "xor circle is broken: %s vs %s" % (hex(THE_HASH[i]), hex(input[i] ^ between[i]))
input: bytearray = bytearray(bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(input, target)))
print("for input '%s':\n %s" % (input, test_against_hash(input, THE_HASH)))
assert test_collision(input, THE_HASH_ORIGIN), "not the same thing: %s and %s" % (
trash_hash(input).hex(), trash_hash(THE_HASH_ORIGIN).hex())
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="trash hash", description='implements a bad hash and shows how to break it. No option for preimage attack, --hash to get a hash.')
parser.add_argument('--hash', type=str,
help='an input that should be hashed')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.hash:
my_bytes: bytearray = bytearray(str.encode(args.hash))
hashed = trash_hash(my_bytes)
print("hash for \"%s\" is:\n%s" % (args.hash, hashed.hex()))
Don't use this, too inefficient
def bruteForce() -> bool:
payload_a = bytearray(b"AAAA")
foundCollision = False
while not foundCollision:
current = bytearray(random.randbytes(16))
foundCollision = test_collision(payload_a, current)
if random.randint(1, 65535) % 65535 == 0:
print("found one!")
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":