# plexcryptool A collection of tools for cryptography uses. # Hybrid Repository This Repository uses a combination of python and rust code through pyo3 rust bindings. The reason for this is that python is a tool dynamic language, screwing around with datatypes a bit too much for my liking. # Compiling Parts of the python scripts in this repository use my library plexcryptool, which is implemented in Rust. To compile follow [this guide](https://pyo3.rs/main/getting_started) It boils down to the following steps: - [Install Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install), preferably through rustup, as that is the official Rust distribution. Your package manager might still be fine. - Make sure you use the right Python version. I made this with Python 3.11 and PyO3 requires at least Python 3.7 - Create a virtual environment in the root of the repository. I used `python -m venv .venv` for this. Activate the venv. - Install maturin `pip install maturin --user` - compile the plexcryptool module using `maturin develop -r` Thats it! # License MIT License