
122 lines
3.5 KiB

return {
priority = 1000, -- Make sure to load this before all the other start plugins.
cmd = 'Themery',
keys = {
{ ';ft', '<cmd> Themery <cr>', desc = '[F]ind [T]heme' },
init = function()
require 'settings.theme'
config = function()
require('themery').setup {
themes = {
-- Dark Themes
name = '==========Dark Themes==========',
colorscheme = '', -- this actually keeps the selected theme, but it wont work with persistence
name = 'nvim default',
colorscheme = 'default',
name = 'nvim lunaperche',
colorscheme = 'lunaperche',
name = 'nvim quiet',
colorscheme = 'quiet',
name = 'nvim retrobox',
colorscheme = 'retrobox',
name = 'nvim slate',
colorscheme = 'slate',
name = 'nvim vim',
colorscheme = 'vim',
name = 'tokyonight',
colorscheme = 'tokyonight',
name = 'tokyonight-moon',
colorscheme = 'tokyonight-moon',
name = 'tokyonight-storm',
colorscheme = 'tokyonight-storm',
name = 'kanagawa',
colorscheme = 'kanagawa',
name = 'kanagawa-dragon',
colorscheme = 'kanagawa-dragon',
name = 'kanagawa-wave',
colorscheme = 'kanagawa-wave',
name = 'zenbones',
colorscheme = 'zenbones',
before = [[
-- It's a major hack from the themery guys that this is a string
vim.opt.background = "dark"
name = 'tokyobones',
colorscheme = 'tokyobones',
before = [[
-- It's a major hack from the themery guys that this is a string
vim.opt.background = "dark"
name = 'kanagawabones',
colorscheme = 'kanagawabones',
before = [[
-- It's a major hack from the themery guys that this is a string
vim.opt.background = "dark"
-- Light themes
name = '==========Light Themes==========',
colorscheme = '', -- this actually keeps the selected theme, but it wont work with persistence
name = 'tokyonight-day',
colorscheme = 'tokyonight-day',
name = 'kanagawa-lotus',
colorscheme = 'kanagawa-lotus',
name = 'zenbones',
colorscheme = 'zenbones',
before = [[
-- It's a major hack from the themery guys that this is a string
vim.opt.background = "light"
themeConfigFile = '~/.config/nvim/lua/settings/theme.lua',
livePreview = true, -- Apply theme while browsing. Default to true.
{ 'zenbones-theme/zenbones.nvim', dependencies = { 'rktjmp/lush.nvim' } },