local present, cheatsheet = pcall(require, "cheatsheet") if not present then return end local mappings = require("core.utils").load_config().mappings -- add user mappings to the cheetsheet -- improve this function to not hardcode plugin local function add_to_cheatsheet(section, keymap, desc) if section == "plugins" then for sec, key in pairs(mappings.plugins) do add_to_cheatsheet(sec, key, sec) end else if type(keymap) == "table" then for sec, key in pairs(keymap) do if type(sec) == "number" then add_to_cheatsheet(section, key, desc or section) else add_to_cheatsheet(sec, key, desc or section) end end else cheatsheet.add_cheat(section, keymap, desc or "Misc") end end end for section, keymap in pairs(mappings) do add_to_cheatsheet(section, keymap) end require("cheatsheet").setup { bundled_cheatsheets = { enabled = { "default" }, disabled = { "unicode", "nerd-fonts" }, }, bundled_plugin_cheatsheets = false, include_only_installed_plugins = true, }