local M = {} local cmd = vim.cmd M.close_buffer = function(force) -- This is a modification of a NeoVim plugin from -- Author: ojroques - Olivier Roques -- Src: https://github.com/ojroques/nvim-bufdel -- (Author has okayed copy-paste) -- Options local opts = { next = "cycle", -- how to retrieve the next buffer quit = false, -- exit when last buffer is deleted --TODO make this a chadrc flag/option } -- ---------------- -- Helper functions -- ---------------- -- Switch to buffer 'buf' on each window from list 'windows' local function switch_buffer(windows, buf) local cur_win = vim.fn.winnr() for _, winid in ipairs(windows) do winid = tonumber(winid) or 0 vim.cmd(string.format("%d wincmd w", vim.fn.win_id2win(winid))) vim.cmd(string.format("buffer %d", buf)) end vim.cmd(string.format("%d wincmd w", cur_win)) -- return to original window end -- Select the first buffer with a number greater than given buffer local function get_next_buf(buf) local next = vim.fn.bufnr "#" if opts.next == "alternate" and vim.fn.buflisted(next) == 1 then return next end for i = 0, vim.fn.bufnr "$" - 1 do next = (buf + i) % vim.fn.bufnr "$" + 1 -- will loop back to 1 if vim.fn.buflisted(next) == 1 then return next end end end -- ---------------- -- End helper functions -- ---------------- local buf = vim.fn.bufnr() if vim.fn.buflisted(buf) == 0 then -- exit if buffer number is invalid vim.cmd "close" return end if #vim.fn.getbufinfo { buflisted = 1 } < 2 then if opts.quit then -- exit when there is only one buffer left if force then vim.cmd "qall!" else vim.cmd "confirm qall" end return end local chad_term, _ = pcall(function() return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(buf, "term_type") end) if chad_term then -- Must be a window type vim.cmd(string.format("setlocal nobl", buf)) vim.cmd "enew" return end -- don't exit and create a new empty buffer vim.cmd "enew" vim.cmd "bp" end local next_buf = get_next_buf(buf) local windows = vim.fn.getbufinfo(buf)[1].windows -- force deletion of terminal buffers to avoid the prompt if force or vim.fn.getbufvar(buf, "&buftype") == "terminal" then local chad_term, type = pcall(function() return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(buf, "term_type") end) -- TODO this scope is error prone, make resilient if chad_term then if type == "wind" then -- hide from bufferline vim.cmd(string.format("%d bufdo setlocal nobl", buf)) -- switch to another buff -- TODO switch to next buffer, this works too vim.cmd "BufferLineCycleNext" else local cur_win = vim.fn.winnr() -- we can close this window vim.cmd(string.format("%d wincmd c", cur_win)) return end else switch_buffer(windows, next_buf) vim.cmd(string.format("bd! %d", buf)) end else switch_buffer(windows, next_buf) vim.cmd(string.format("silent! confirm bd %d", buf)) end -- revert buffer switches if user has canceled deletion if vim.fn.buflisted(buf) == 1 then switch_buffer(windows, buf) end end -- hide statusline -- tables fetched from load_config function M.hide_statusline = function() local hidden = require("core.utils").load_config().plugins.options.statusline.hidden local shown = require("core.utils").load_config().plugins.options.statusline.shown local api = vim.api local buftype = api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "ft") -- shown table from config has the highest priority if vim.tbl_contains(shown, buftype) then api.nvim_set_option("laststatus", 2) return end if vim.tbl_contains(hidden, buftype) then api.nvim_set_option("laststatus", 0) return end api.nvim_set_option("laststatus", 2) end M.load_config = function() local conf = require "core.default_config" local chadrcExists, change = pcall(require, "custom.chadrc") -- if chadrc exists , then merge its table into the default config's if chadrcExists then conf = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", conf, change) end return conf end M.map = function(mode, keys, command, opt) local options = { noremap = true, silent = true } if opt then options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opt) end -- all valid modes allowed for mappings -- :h map-modes local valid_modes = { [""] = true, ["n"] = true, ["v"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["o"] = true, ["!"] = true, ["i"] = true, ["l"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["t"] = true, } -- helper function for M.map -- can gives multiple modes and keys local function map_wrapper(sub_mode, lhs, rhs, sub_options) if type(lhs) == "table" then for _, key in ipairs(lhs) do map_wrapper(sub_mode, key, rhs, sub_options) end else if type(sub_mode) == "table" then for _, m in ipairs(sub_mode) do map_wrapper(m, lhs, rhs, sub_options) end else if valid_modes[sub_mode] and lhs and rhs then vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(sub_mode, lhs, rhs, sub_options) else sub_mode, lhs, rhs = sub_mode or "", lhs or "", rhs or "" print( "Cannot set mapping [ mode = '" .. sub_mode .. "' | key = '" .. lhs .. "' | cmd = '" .. rhs .. "' ]" ) end end end end map_wrapper(mode, keys, command, options) end -- load plugin after entering vim ui M.packer_lazy_load = function(plugin, timer) if plugin then timer = timer or 0 vim.defer_fn(function() require("packer").loader(plugin) end, timer) end end -- Highlights functions -- Define bg color -- @param group Group -- @param color Color M.bg = function(group, col) cmd("hi " .. group .. " guibg=" .. col) end -- Define fg color -- @param group Group -- @param color Color M.fg = function(group, col) cmd("hi " .. group .. " guifg=" .. col) end -- Define bg and fg color -- @param group Group -- @param fgcol Fg Color -- @param bgcol Bg Color M.fg_bg = function(group, fgcol, bgcol) cmd("hi " .. group .. " guifg=" .. fgcol .. " guibg=" .. bgcol) end -- Override default config of a plugin based on the path provided in the chadrc -- Arguments: -- 1st - name of plugin -- 2nd - default config path -- 3rd - optional function name which will called from default_config path -- e.g: if given args - "telescope", "plugins.configs.telescope", "setup" -- then return "require('plugins.configs.telescope').setup()" -- if 3rd arg not given, then return "require('plugins.configs.telescope')" -- if override is a table, mark set the override flag for the default config to true -- override flag being true tells the plugin to call tbl_override_req as part of configuration M.override_req = function(name, default_config, config_function) local override, apply_table_override = require("core.utils").load_config().plugins.default_plugin_config_replace[name], "false" local result = default_config if type(override) == "string" and override ~= "" then return "require('" .. override .. "')" elseif type(override) == "table" then apply_table_override = "true" elseif type(override) == "function" then return override end result = "('" .. result .. "')" if type(config_function) == "string" and config_function ~= "" then -- add the . to call the functions and concatenate true or false as argument result = result .. "." .. config_function .. "(" .. apply_table_override .. ")" end return "require" .. result end -- Override parts of default config of a plugin based on the table provided in the chadrc -- FUNCTION: tbl_override_req, use `chadrc` plugin config override to modify default config if present -- name = name inside `default_config` / `chadrc` -- default_table = the default configuration table of the plugin -- returns the modified configuration table M.tbl_override_req = function(name, default_table) local override = require("core.utils").load_config().plugins.default_plugin_config_replace[name] or {} return vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", default_table, override) end --provide labels to plugins instead of integers M.label_plugins = function(plugins) local plugins_labeled = {} for _, plugin in ipairs(plugins) do plugins_labeled[plugin[1]] = plugin end return plugins_labeled end -- remove plugins specified by user from the plugins table M.remove_default_plugins = function(plugins) local removals = require("core.utils").load_config().plugins.default_plugin_remove or {} if not vim.tbl_isempty(removals) then for _, plugin in pairs(removals) do plugins[plugin] = nil end end return plugins end -- append user plugins to default plugins M.add_user_plugins = function(plugins) local user_Plugins = require("core.utils").load_config().plugins.install or {} if not vim.tbl_isempty(user_Plugins) then for _, v in pairs(user_Plugins) do plugins[v[1]] = v end end return plugins end return M