local Util = require("lazyvim.util") ---@class lazyvim.util.lsp local M = {} ---@alias lsp.Client.filter {id?: number, bufnr?: number, name?: string, method?: string, filter?:fun(client: lsp.Client):boolean} ---@param opts? lsp.Client.filter function M.get_clients(opts) local ret = {} ---@type lsp.Client[] if vim.lsp.get_clients then ret = vim.lsp.get_clients(opts) else ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated ret = vim.lsp.get_active_clients(opts) if opts and opts.method then ---@param client lsp.Client ret = vim.tbl_filter(function(client) return client.supports_method(opts.method, { bufnr = opts.bufnr }) end, ret) end end return opts and opts.filter and vim.tbl_filter(opts.filter, ret) or ret end ---@param on_attach fun(client, buffer) function M.on_attach(on_attach) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", { callback = function(args) local buffer = args.buf ---@type number local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(args.data.client_id) on_attach(client, buffer) end, }) end ---@param from string ---@param to string function M.on_rename(from, to) local clients = M.get_clients() for _, client in ipairs(clients) do if client.supports_method("workspace/willRenameFiles") then ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: invisible local resp = client.request_sync("workspace/willRenameFiles", { files = { { oldUri = vim.uri_from_fname(from), newUri = vim.uri_from_fname(to), }, }, }, 1000, 0) if resp and resp.result ~= nil then vim.lsp.util.apply_workspace_edit(resp.result, client.offset_encoding) end end end end ---@return _.lspconfig.options function M.get_config(server) local configs = require("lspconfig.configs") return rawget(configs, server) end ---@param server string ---@param cond fun( root_dir, config): boolean function M.disable(server, cond) local util = require("lspconfig.util") local def = M.get_config(server) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field def.document_config.on_new_config = util.add_hook_before(def.document_config.on_new_config, function(config, root_dir) if cond(root_dir, config) then config.enabled = false end end) end ---@param opts? LazyFormatter| {filter?: (string|lsp.Client.filter)} function M.formatter(opts) opts = opts or {} local filter = opts.filter or {} filter = type(filter) == "string" and { name = filter } or filter ---@cast filter lsp.Client.filter ---@type LazyFormatter local ret = { name = "LSP", primary = true, priority = 1, format = function(buf) M.format(Util.merge(filter, { bufnr = buf })) end, sources = function(buf) local clients = M.get_clients(Util.merge(filter, { bufnr = buf })) ---@param client lsp.Client local ret = vim.tbl_filter(function(client) return client.supports_method("textDocument/formatting") or client.supports_method("textDocument/rangeFormatting") end, clients) ---@param client lsp.Client return vim.tbl_map(function(client) return client.name end, ret) end, } return Util.merge(ret, opts) --[[@as LazyFormatter]] end ---@alias lsp.Client.format {timeout_ms?: number, format_options?: table} | lsp.Client.filter ---@param opts? lsp.Client.format function M.format(opts) opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", {}, opts or {}, require("lazyvim.util").opts("nvim-lspconfig").format or {}) local ok, conform = pcall(require, "conform") -- use conform for formatting with LSP when available, -- since it has better format diffing if ok then opts.formatters = {} opts.lsp_fallback = true conform.format(opts) else vim.lsp.buf.format(opts) end end return M