return { -- "numiras/semshi", "wookayin/semshi", -- use a maintained fork ft = "python", build = ":UpdateRemotePlugins", init = function() -- Disabled these features better provided by LSP or other more general plugins vim.g["semshi#error_sign"] = false vim.g["semshi#simplify_markup"] = false vim.g["semshi#mark_selected_nodes"] = false vim.g["semshi#update_delay_factor"] = 0.001 -- This autocmd must be defined in init to take effect vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "VimEnter", "ColorScheme" }, { group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("SemanticHighlight", {}), callback = function() -- Only add style, inherit or link to the LSP's colors vim.cmd([[ highlight! semshiGlobal gui=italic highlight! link semshiImported @none highlight! link semshiParameter @lsp.type.parameter highlight! link semshiParameterUnused DiagnosticUnnecessary highlight! link semshiBuiltin @function.builtin highlight! link semshiAttribute @field highlight! link semshiSelf @lsp.type.selfKeyword highlight! link semshiUnresolved @lsp.type.unresolvedReference highlight! link semshiFree @none ]]) end, }) end, }