require("base46").load_highlight "tbline" local api = vim.api -- btn click functions vim.cmd "function! TbGoToBuf(bufnr,b,c,d) \n execute 'b'..a:bufnr \n endfunction" vim.cmd [[ function! TbKillBuf(bufnr,b,c,d) call luaeval('require("core.utils").close_buffer(_A)', a:bufnr) endfunction]] vim.cmd "function! TbNewTab(a,b,c,d) \n tabnew \n endfunction" vim.cmd "function! TbGotoTab(tabnr,b,c,d) \n execute a:tabnr ..'tabnext' \n endfunction" vim.cmd "function! TbTabClose(a,b,c,d) \n lua require('core.utils').tabuflineCloseTab() \n endfunction" vim.cmd "function! TbToggle_theme(a,b,c,d) \n lua require('base46').toggle_theme() \n endfunction" vim.cmd "function! TbToggleTabs(a,b,c,d) \n let g:TbTabsToggled = !g:TbTabsToggled | redrawtabline \n endfunction" local devicons_present, devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons") local fn = vim.fn local new_cmd = api.nvim_create_user_command new_cmd("Tbufnext", function() require("core.utils").tabuflineNext() end, {}) new_cmd("Tbufprev", function() require("core.utils").tabuflinePrev() end, {}) new_cmd("Tbufclose", function() require("core.utils").close_buffer() end, {}) local function new_hl(group1, group2) local fg = fn.synIDattr(fn.synIDtrans(fn.hlID(group1)), "fg#") local bg = fn.synIDattr(fn.synIDtrans(fn.hlID(group2)), "bg#") api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Tbline" .. group1 .. group2, { fg = fg, bg = bg }) return "%#" .. "Tbline" .. group1 .. group2 .. "#" end local function Offset() for _, win in pairs(api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(0)) do if[api.nvim_win_get_buf(win)].ft == "NvimTree" then return "%#NvimTreeNormal#" .. string.rep(" ", api.nvim_win_get_width(win) + 1) end end end local function add_fileInfo(name, bufnr) if devicons_present then local icon, icon_hl = devicons.get_icon(name, string.match(name, "%a+$")) if not icon then icon, icon_hl = devicons.get_icon "default_icon" end local fileInfo = " " .. icon .. " " .. name .. " " -- initial value local pad = (24 - #fileInfo) / 2 icon = ( api.nvim_get_current_buf() == bufnr and new_hl(icon_hl, "TbLineBufOn") .. " " .. icon or new_hl(icon_hl, "TbLineBufOff") .. " " .. icon ) name = (#name > 20 and string.sub(name, 1, 15) .. "...") or name name = (api.nvim_get_current_buf() == bufnr and "%#TbLineBufOn# " .. name .. " ") or ("%#TbLineBufOff# " .. name .. " ") return string.rep(" ", pad) .. icon .. name .. string.rep(" ", pad - 1) end end local function bufferlist() local buffers = "" for _, nr in ipairs(vim.t.bufs or {}) do -- buf = bufnr if api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(nr) then local name = (#api.nvim_buf_get_name(nr) ~= 0) and fn.fnamemodify(api.nvim_buf_get_name(nr), ":t") or " No Name " local close_btn = "%" .. nr .. "@TbKillBuf@ %X" name = "%" .. nr .. "@TbGoToBuf@" .. add_fileInfo(name, nr) .. "%X" -- color close btn for focused / hidden buffers if nr == api.nvim_get_current_buf() then close_btn = ([0].modified and "%#TbLineBufOnModified# ") or ("%#TbLineBufOnClose#" .. close_btn) name = "%#TbLineBufOn#" .. name .. close_btn else close_btn = ([nr].modified and "%#TbBufLineBufOffModified# ") or ("%#TbLineBufOffClose#" .. close_btn) name = "%#TbLineBufOff#" .. name .. close_btn end buffers = buffers .. name end end return buffers .. "%#TblineFill#" .. "%=" -- buffers + empty space end vim.g.TbTabsToggled = 0 local function tablist() local result, number_of_tabs = "", fn.tabpagenr "$" if number_of_tabs > 1 then for i = 1, number_of_tabs, 1 do local tab_hl = ((i == fn.tabpagenr()) and "%#TbLineTabOn# ") or "%#TbLineTabOff# " result = result .. ("%" .. i .. "@TbGotoTab@" .. tab_hl .. i .. " ") result = (i == fn.tabpagenr() and result .. "%#TbLineTabCloseBtn#" .. "%@TbTabClose@ %X") or result end local new_tabtn = "%#TblineTabNewBtn#" .. "%@TbNewTab@  %X" local tabstoggleBtn = "%@TbToggleTabs@ %#TBTabTitle# TABS %X" result = (vim.g.TbTabsToggled == 1 and tabstoggleBtn:gsub("()", { [36] = " " })) or new_tabtn .. tabstoggleBtn .. result return result end end local function buttons() return "%@TbToggle_theme@%#TbLineThemeToggleBtn#" .. vim.g.toggle_theme_icon .. "%X" end return { run = function() return (Offset() or "") .. bufferlist() .. (tablist() or "") .. buttons() end, }