-- This is part of LazyVim's code, with my modifications. -- See: https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/blob/main/lua/lazyvim/plugins/extras/coding/copilot.lua return { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { 'zbirenbaum/copilot.lua', enabled = false, cmd = 'Copilot', build = ':Copilot auth', opts = { suggestion = { enabled = false }, panel = { enabled = false }, filetypes = { markdown = true, help = true, }, }, }, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { 'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim', optional = true, event = 'VeryLazy', opts = function(_, opts) local get_color = require('plex.lib.color').get_color local fg = function(...) return { fg = get_color('fg', ...) } end local colors = { [''] = fg({ 'Comment' }), ['Normal'] = fg({ 'Comment' }), ['Warning'] = fg({ 'DiagnosticError' }), ['InProgress'] = fg({ 'DiagnosticWarn' }), } -- Add copilot icon to lualine statusline table.insert(opts.sections.lualine_x, { function() local icon = require('plex.config').icons.kinds.Copilot local status = require('copilot.api').status.data return icon .. (status.message or '') end, cond = function() local clients if vim.lsp.get_clients ~= nil then clients = vim.lsp.get_clients({ name = 'copilot', bufnr = 0 }) else ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ name = 'copilot', bufnr = 0, }) end return #clients > 0 end, color = function() if not package.loaded["copilot"] then return end local status = require('copilot.api').status.data return colors[status.status] or colors[''] end, }) end, }, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { 'nvim-cmp', dependencies = { { 'zbirenbaum/copilot-cmp', dependencies = 'zbirenbaum/copilot.lua', opts = {}, config = function(_, opts) local copilot_cmp = require('copilot_cmp') copilot_cmp.setup(opts) -- attach cmp source whenever copilot attaches -- fixes lazy-loading issues with the copilot cmp source ---@param client lsp.Client require('plex.lib.utils').on_attach(function(client) if client.name == 'copilot' then copilot_cmp._on_insert_enter({}) end end) end, }, }, ---@param opts cmp.ConfigSchema|{sources: table[]} opts = function(_, opts) -- Add copilot nvim-cmp source. table.insert(opts.sources, 1, { name = 'copilot', group_index = 2, priority = 60, }) opts.sorting = opts.sorting or require('cmp.config.default')().sorting table.insert( opts.sorting.comparators, 1, require('copilot_cmp.comparators').prioritize ) end, }, }