-- This is part of LazyVim's code, with my modifications. -- See: https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/blob/main/lua/lazyvim/plugins/extras/formatting/prettier.lua return { { 'williamboman/mason.nvim', opts = function(_, opts) if type(opts.ensure_installed) == 'table' then table.insert(opts.ensure_installed, 'prettierd') end end, }, { 'mhartington/formatter.nvim', optional = true, opts = function(_, opts) opts = opts or {} local filetypes = { -- FIXME:add more filetypes json = { require('formatter.defaults.prettierd') }, } opts.filetype = vim.tbl_extend('keep', opts.filetype or {}, filetypes) end, }, { 'jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim', optional = true, opts = function(_, opts) local nls = require('null-ls') table.insert(opts.sources, nls.builtins.formatting.prettierd) end, }, }