-- This is an example init file , its supposed to be placed in /lua/custom dir -- lua/custom/init.lua -- This is where your custom modules and plugins go. -- Please check NvChad docs if you're totally new to nvchad + dont know lua!! local hooks = require "core.hooks" -- MAPPINGS -- To add new plugins, use the "setup_mappings" hook, hooks.add("setup_mappings", function(map) map("n", "cc", ":Telescope ", opt) map("n", "q", ":q ", opt) end) -- NOTE : opt is a variable there (most likely a table if you want multiple options), -- you can remove it if you dont have any custom options -- Install plugins -- To add new plugins, use the "install_plugins" hook, -- examples below: hooks.add("install_plugins", function(use) use { "max397574/better-escape.nvim", event = "InsertEnter", } use { "user or orgname/reponame", --further packer options } end) -- NOTE: we heavily suggest using Packer's lazy loading (with the 'event' field) -- see: https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim -- https://nvchad.github.io/config/walkthrough