return { { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", -- other settings removed for brevity opts = { ---@type lspconfig.options servers = { eslint = { settings = { -- helps eslint find the eslintrc when it's placed in a subfolder instead of the cwd root workingDirectory = { mode = "auto" }, }, }, }, setup = { eslint = function() local function get_client(buf) return require("lazyvim.util").lsp.get_clients({ name = "eslint", bufnr = buf })[1] end local formatter = require("lazyvim.util").lsp.formatter({ name = "eslint: lsp", primary = false, priority = 200, filter = "eslint", }) -- Use EslintFixAll on Neovim < 0.10.0 if not pcall(require, "vim.lsp._dynamic") then = "eslint: EslintFixAll" formatter.sources = function(buf) local client = get_client(buf) return client and { "eslint" } or {} end formatter.format = function(buf) local client = get_client(buf) if client then local diag = vim.diagnostic.get(buf, { namespace = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_namespace( }) if #diag > 0 then vim.cmd("EslintFixAll") end end end end -- register the formatter with LazyVim require("lazyvim.util").format.register(formatter) end, }, }, }, }