WIP: update-upstream #4

cscherrNT wants to merge 69 commits from update-upstream into master
1 changed files with 23 additions and 23 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 6b40fb590f - Show all commits

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@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
local opt = vim.opt local opt = vim.opt
local o = vim.o
local g = vim.g local g = vim.g
-------------------------------------- globals ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- globals -----------------------------------------
-- g.base46_cache = vim.fn.stdpath "data" .. "/nvchad/base46/"
g.toggle_theme_icon = "" g.toggle_theme_icon = ""
-------------------------------------- options ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- options ------------------------------------------
opt.laststatus = 3 -- global statusline o.laststatus = 3
opt.showmode = false o.showmode = false
opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus" o.clipboard = "unnamedplus"
opt.cursorline = true o.cursorline = true
opt.cursorlineopt = "number" o.cursorlineopt = "number"
-- Indenting -- Indenting
opt.expandtab = true o.expandtab = true
opt.shiftwidth = 2 o.shiftwidth = 2
opt.smartindent = true o.smartindent = true
opt.tabstop = 2 o.tabstop = 2
opt.softtabstop = 2 o.softtabstop = 2
opt.fillchars = { eob = " " } opt.fillchars = { eob = " " }
opt.ignorecase = true o.ignorecase = true
opt.smartcase = true o.smartcase = true
opt.mouse = "a" o.mouse = "a"
-- Numbers -- Numbers
opt.number = true o.number = true
opt.numberwidth = 2 o.numberwidth = 2
opt.ruler = false o.ruler = false
-- disable nvim intro -- disable nvim intro
opt.shortmess:append "sI" opt.shortmess:append "sI"
opt.signcolumn = "yes" o.signcolumn = "yes"
opt.splitbelow = true o.splitbelow = true
opt.splitright = true o.splitright = true
opt.timeoutlen = 400 o.timeoutlen = 400
opt.undofile = true o.undofile = true
-- interval for writing swap file to disk, also used by gitsigns -- interval for writing swap file to disk, also used by gitsigns
opt.updatetime = 250 o.updatetime = 250
-- go to previous/next line with h,l,left arrow and right arrow -- go to previous/next line with h,l,left arrow and right arrow
-- when cursor reaches end/beginning of line -- when cursor reaches end/beginning of line