clipboard leader y

This commit is contained in:
Christoph J. Scherr 2023-09-06 13:38:34 +02:00
parent 11250db2cc
commit fd0ed3dc57
1 changed files with 6 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -75,17 +75,20 @@ map('n', 'zh', 'z4h')
-- Clipboard
-- ===
-- TODO: make <leader>y copy to system
-- Yank to system clipboard
map({'n', 'v', 'x'}, '<leader>y', '"+y"')
map({'n', 'v', 'x'}, '<leader>yy', '"+yy"')
map({'n', 'v', 'x'}, '<leader>Y', '"+Y"')
-- Yank buffer's relative path to clipboard
map('n', '<Leader>y', function()
map('n', '<Leader>yp', function()
local path = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0), ':~:.')
vim.fn.setreg('+', path)
vim.notify(path, vim.log.levels.INFO, { title = 'Yanked relative path' })
end, { silent = true, desc = 'Yank relative path' })
-- Yank absolute path
map('n', '<Leader>Y', function()
map('n', '<Leader>Yp', function()
local path = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0), ':p')
vim.fn.setreg('+', path)
vim.notify(path, vim.log.levels.INFO, { title = 'Yanked absolute path' })
@ -136,10 +139,6 @@ map('n', '<DOWN>', '<cmd>move+<CR>==', { desc = 'Move line down' })
map('x', '<UP>', ":move'<-2<CR>gv=gv", { desc = 'Move selection up' })
map('x', '<DOWN>', ":move'>+<CR>gv=gv", { desc = 'Move selection down' })
-- Duplicate lines without affecting PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections.
map('n', 'yyp', 'm`""Y""P``', { desc = 'Duplicate line' })
map('x', 'yyp', '""Y""Pgv', { desc = 'Duplicate selection' })
-- Remove spaces at the end of lines
map('n', '<Leader>cw', '<cmd>lua MiniTrailspace.trim()<CR>', { desc = 'Erase Whitespace' })