move highlight themes to base16 repo
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ M.get = function(theme)
theme = vim.g.nvchad_theme
return require("colors.themes." .. theme)
return require("hl_themes." .. theme)
return M
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#ced4df",
darker_black = "#1a1a24",
black = "#20202A", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#25252f",
one_bg = "#2a2a34",
one_bg2 = "#34343e",
one_bg3 = "#3e3e48",
grey = "#484852",
grey_fg = "#4e4e58",
grey_fg2 = "#54545e",
light_grey = "#5a5a64",
red = "#ebb9b9",
baby_pink = "#EAC1C1",
pink = "#E9D1D1",
line = "#292933", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#b1dba4",
vibrant_green = "#BEE0A8",
blue = "#CDDBF9",
nord_blue = "#BCCAEB",
yellow = "#E6DFB8",
sun = "#EEE8BA",
purple = "#f6bbe7",
dark_purple = "#E8B6E9",
teal = "#AEDCB7",
orange = "#E8CCA7",
cyan = "#b8dceb",
statusline_bg = "#262630",
lightbg = "#2e2e38",
lightbg2 = "#2a2a34",
pmenu_bg = "#ebb9b9",
folder_bg = "#b8dceb",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#685c56",
darker_black = "#e5dedb",
black = "#ede6e3", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#e0d9d6",
one_bg = "#e2dbd8",
one_bg2 = "#d1cac7",
one_bg3 = "#cac3c0",
grey = "#bab3b0",
grey_fg = "#aea7a4",
grey_fg2 = "#a29b98",
light_grey = "#958e8b",
red = "#c99780",
baby_pink = "#ce9c85",
pink = "#ce9c85",
line = "#d9d2cf", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#839773",
vibrant_green = "#899d79",
blue = "#6c8aa8",
nord_blue = "#5e5f65",
yellow = "#a9a29f",
sun = "#eaa18a",
purple = "#a685a6",
dark_purple = "#9c7b9c",
teal = "#62809e",
orange = "#e39a83",
cyan = "#75998e",
statusline_bg = "#e4ddda",
lightbg = "#cac3c0",
lightbg2 = "#dbd4d1",
pmenu_bg = "#857e7b",
folder_bg = "#817a77",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#F8F8F2",
darker_black = "#232531",
black = "#282A36", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#303341",
one_bg = "#373844", -- real bg of onedark
one_bg2 = "#44475a",
one_bg3 = "#565761",
grey = "#41434f",
grey_fg = "#5a5c68",
grey_fg2 = "#5a5c68",
light_grey = "#636571",
red = "#E95678",
baby_pink = "#DE8C92",
pink = "#FF79C6",
line = "#373844", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#69ff94",
vibrant_green = "#69FF94",
nord_blue = "#b389ef",
blue = "#BD93F9",
yellow = "#F1FA8C",
sun = "#FFFFA5",
purple = "#BD93F9",
dark_purple = "#BD93F9",
teal = "#0088cc",
orange = "#FFB86C",
cyan = "#8BE9FD",
statusline_bg = "#2b2d39",
lightbg = "#343642",
lightbg2 = "#2f313d",
pmenu_bg = "#b389ef",
folder_bg = "#BD93F9",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#fff9e8",
darker_black = "#272f35",
black = "#2b3339", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#323a40",
one_bg = "#333b41",
one_bg2 = "#363e44",
one_bg3 = "#3a4248",
grey = "#4a5258",
grey_fg = "#50585e",
grey_fg2 = "#545c62",
light_grey = "#586066",
red = "#e67e80",
baby_pink = "#ce8196",
pink = "#ff75a0",
line = "#3a4248", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#83c092",
vibrant_green = "#a7c080",
nord_blue = "#78b4ac",
blue = "#7fbbb3",
yellow = "#dbbc7f",
sun = "#d1b171",
purple = "#b4bbc8",
dark_purple = "#d699b6",
teal = "#69a59d",
orange = "#e69875",
cyan = "#95d1c9",
statusline_bg = "#2e363c",
lightbg = "#3d454b",
lightbg2 = "#333b41",
pmenu_bg = "#83c092",
folder_bg = "#7fbbb3",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#ebdbb2",
darker_black = "#232323",
black = "#282828", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#2e2e2e",
one_bg = "#353535",
one_bg2 = "#3f3f3f",
one_bg3 = "#444444",
grey = "#464646",
grey_fg = "#4e4e4e",
grey_fg2 = "#505050",
light_grey = "#565656",
red = "#fb4934",
baby_pink = "#cc241d",
pink = "#ff75a0",
line = "#2c2f30", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#b8bb26",
vibrant_green = "#a9b665",
nord_blue = "#83a598",
blue = "#458588",
yellow = "#d79921",
sun = "#fabd2f",
purple = "#b4bbc8",
dark_purple = "#d3869b",
teal = "#749689",
orange = "#e78a4e",
cyan = "#82b3a8",
statusline_bg = "#2c2c2c",
lightbg = "#353535",
lightbg2 = "#303030",
pmenu_bg = "#83a598",
folder_bg = "#83a598",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#c7b89d",
darker_black = "#1e2122",
black = "#222526", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#282b2c",
one_bg = "#2b2e2f",
one_bg2 = "#3b3e3f",
one_bg3 = "#313435",
grey = "#46494a",
grey_fg = "#5d6061",
grey_fg2 = "#5b5e5f",
light_grey = "#585b5c",
red = "#ec6b64",
baby_pink = "#ce8196",
pink = "#ff75a0",
line = "#2c2f30", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#89b482",
vibrant_green = "#a9b665",
nord_blue = "#6f8faf",
blue = "#6d8dad",
yellow = "#d6b676",
sun = "#d1b171",
purple = "#b4bbc8",
dark_purple = "#cc7f94",
teal = "#749689",
orange = "#e78a4e",
cyan = "#82b3a8",
statusline_bg = "#252829",
lightbg = "#2d3139",
lightbg2 = "#262a32",
pmenu_bg = "#89b482",
folder_bg = "#6d8dad",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#b5bcc9",
darker_black = "#10171e",
black = "#131a21", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#1a2128",
one_bg = "#1e252c",
one_bg2 = "#2a3138",
one_bg3 = "#363d44",
grey = "#363d44",
grey_fg = "#4e555c",
grey_fg2 = "#51585f",
light_grey = "#545b62",
red = "#ef8891",
baby_pink = "#fca2aa",
pink = "#fca2af",
line = "#20272e", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#9ce5c0",
vibrant_green = "#a5d4af",
blue = "#99aee5",
nord_blue = "#9aa8cf",
yellow = "#fbdf90",
sun = "#fbdf9a",
purple = "#d7c1ed",
dark_purple = "#ccaced",
teal = "#92dbb6",
orange = "#EDA685",
cyan = "#b5c3ea",
statusline_bg = "#181f26",
lightbg = "#222930",
lightbg2 = "#1d242b",
pmenu_bg = "#ef8891",
folder_bg = "#99aee5",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#e8e8d3",
darker_black = "#101010",
black = "#151515", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#1c1c1c",
one_bg = "#252525",
one_bg2 = "#2e2e2e",
one_bg3 = "#3a3a3a",
grey = "#424242",
grey_fg = "#474747",
grey_fg2 = "#4c4c4c",
light_grey = "#525252",
red = "#cf6a4c",
baby_pink = "#da7557",
pink = "#f0a0c0",
line = "#232323", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#99ad6a",
vibrant_green = "#c2cea6",
nord_blue = "#768cb4",
blue = "#8197bf",
yellow = "#fad07a",
sun = "#ffb964",
purple = "#ea94ea",
dark_purple = "#e18be1",
teal = "#668799",
orange = "#e78a4e",
cyan = "#8fbfdc",
statusline_bg = "#191919",
lightbg = "#252525",
lightbg2 = "#1e1e1e",
pmenu_bg = "#8197bf",
folder_bg = "#8197bf",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#ebdbb2",
darker_black = "#232323",
black = "#282828", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#2e2e2e",
one_bg = "#353535",
one_bg2 = "#3f3f3f",
one_bg3 = "#444444",
grey = "#464646",
grey_fg = "#4e4e4e",
grey_fg2 = "#505050",
light_grey = "#565656",
red = "#b66467",
baby_pink = "#fbe6ea",
pink = "#e193ab",
line = "#2c2f30", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#8d987e",
vibrant_green = "#9cab51",
nord_blue = "#87a197",
blue = "#4d7d80",
yellow = "#dcbb8c",
sun = "#f1bf77",
purple = "#958793",
dark_purple = "#d3869b",
teal = "#6ec2bf",
orange = "#e78a4e",
cyan = "#8aa6a5",
statusline_bg = "#2c2c2c",
lightbg = "#353535",
lightbg2 = "#303030",
pmenu_bg = "#8aa6a5",
folder_bg = "#8aa6a5",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#b0b0b0",
darker_black = "#171d23",
black = "#1a2026", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#20262c",
one_bg = "#242a30",
one_bg2 = "#292f35",
one_bg3 = "#2e343a",
grey = "#42484e",
grey_fg = "#474d53",
grey_fg2 = "#50565c",
light_grey = "#565c62",
red = "#ac8a8c",
baby_pink = "#de878f",
pink = "#e89199",
line = "#2d3339", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#8aac8b",
vibrant_green = "#9ec49f",
blue = "#6b8bab",
nord_blue = "#7797b7",
yellow = "#c4c19e",
sun = "#aca98a",
purple = "#a39ec4",
dark_purple = "#8f8aac",
teal = "#7c9cbc",
orange = "#e39a83",
cyan = "#9aafe6",
statusline_bg = "#1e242a",
lightbg = "#2d3339",
lightbg2 = "#252b31",
pmenu_bg = "#8aac8b",
folder_bg = "#6b8bab",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#abb2bf",
darker_black = "#2a303c",
black = "#2E3440", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#343a46",
one_bg = "#373d49",
one_bg2 = "#464c58",
one_bg3 = "#494f5b",
grey = "#4b515d",
grey_fg = "#565c68",
grey_fg2 = "#606672",
light_grey = "#646a76",
red = "#BF616A",
baby_pink = "#de878f",
pink = "#d57780",
line = "#3a404c", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#A3BE8C",
vibrant_green = "#afca98",
blue = "#7797b7",
nord_blue = "#81A1C1",
yellow = "#EBCB8B",
sun = "#e1c181",
purple = "#aab1be",
dark_purple = "#B48EAD",
teal = "#6484a4",
orange = "#e39a83",
cyan = "#9aafe6",
statusline_bg = "#333945",
lightbg = "#3f4551",
lightbg2 = "#393f4b",
pmenu_bg = "#A3BE8C",
folder_bg = "#7797b7",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#54555b",
darker_black = "#f5f5f5",
black = "#fafafa", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#f1f1f1",
one_bg = "#f0f0f0", -- real bg of onedark
one_bg2 = "#ececec",
one_bg3 = "#e7e7e7",
grey = "#cbcbcb",
grey_fg = "#c6c6c6",
grey_fg2 = "#b7b7b7",
light_grey = "#b7b7b7",
red = "#e6676e",
baby_pink = "#F07178",
pink = "#ff75a0",
line = "#e9e9e9", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#7b90c7",
vibrant_green = "#7eca9c",
nord_blue = "#5e5f65",
blue = "#28a2f4",
yellow = "#7e7e7e",
sun = "#dea95f",
purple = "#a28dcd",
dark_purple = "#8e79b9",
teal = "#519ABA",
orange = "#FF6A00",
cyan = "#a3b8ef",
statusline_bg = "#f0f0f0",
lightbg = "#d6d6d6",
lightbg2 = "#5e5f65",
pmenu_bg = "#5e5f65",
folder_bg = "#6C6C6C",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#abb2bf",
darker_black = "#1b1f27",
black = "#1e222a", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#252931",
one_bg = "#282c34", -- real bg of onedark
one_bg2 = "#353b45",
one_bg3 = "#30343c",
grey = "#42464e",
grey_fg = "#565c64",
grey_fg2 = "#6f737b",
light_grey = "#6f737b",
red = "#d47d85",
baby_pink = "#DE8C92",
pink = "#ff75a0",
line = "#2a2e36", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#A3BE8C",
vibrant_green = "#7eca9c",
nord_blue = "#81A1C1",
blue = "#61afef",
yellow = "#e7c787",
sun = "#EBCB8B",
purple = "#b4bbc8",
dark_purple = "#c882e7",
teal = "#519ABA",
orange = "#fca2aa",
cyan = "#a3b8ef",
statusline_bg = "#22262e",
lightbg = "#2d3139",
lightbg2 = "#262a32",
pmenu_bg = "#A3BE8C",
folder_bg = "#61afef",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#e8e8d3",
darker_black = "#101010",
black = "#151515", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#1c1c1c",
one_bg = "#252525",
one_bg2 = "#2e2e2e",
one_bg3 = "#3a3a3a",
grey = "#424242",
grey_fg = "#474747",
grey_fg2 = "#4c4c4c",
light_grey = "#525252",
red = "#cf6a4c",
baby_pink = "#da7557",
pink = "#f0a0c0",
line = "#232323", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#99ad6a",
vibrant_green = "#c2cea6",
nord_blue = "#768cb4",
blue = "#8197bf",
yellow = "#fad07a",
sun = "#ffb964",
purple = "#ea94ea",
dark_purple = "#e18be1",
teal = "#668799",
orange = "#e78a4e",
cyan = "#8fbfdc",
statusline_bg = "#191919",
lightbg = "#252525",
lightbg2 = "#1e1e1e",
pmenu_bg = "#8197bf",
folder_bg = "#8197bf",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#abb2bf",
darker_black = "#2a303c",
black = "#2E3440", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#343a46",
one_bg = "#373d49",
one_bg2 = "#464c58",
one_bg3 = "#494f5b",
grey = "#4b515d",
grey_fg = "#565c68",
grey_fg2 = "#606672",
light_grey = "#646a76",
red = "#BF616A",
baby_pink = "#de878f",
pink = "#d57780",
line = "#3a404c", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#A3BE8C",
vibrant_green = "#afca98",
blue = "#7797b7",
nord_blue = "#81A1C1",
yellow = "#EBCB8B",
sun = "#e1c181",
purple = "#aab1be",
dark_purple = "#B48EAD",
teal = "#6484a4",
orange = "#e39a83",
cyan = "#9aafe6",
statusline_bg = "#333945",
lightbg = "#3f4551",
lightbg2 = "#393f4b",
pmenu_bg = "#A3BE8C",
folder_bg = "#7797b7",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#c0caf5",
darker_black = "#151621",
black = "#1A1B26", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#20212c",
one_bg = "#242530",
one_bg2 = "#292a35",
one_bg3 = "#353b45",
grey = "#40486a",
grey_fg = "#4a5274",
grey_fg2 = "#4f5779",
light_grey = "#545c7e",
red = "#f7768e",
baby_pink = "#DE8C92",
pink = "#ff75a0",
line = "#242530", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#9ece6a",
vibrant_green = "#73daca",
nord_blue = "#80a8fd",
blue = "#7aa2f7",
yellow = "#e7c787",
sun = "#EBCB8B",
purple = "#bb9af7",
dark_purple = "#9d7cd8",
teal = "#0db9d7",
orange = "#ff9e64",
cyan = "#7dcfff",
statusline_bg = "#1d1e29",
lightbg = "#252631",
lightbg2 = "#22232e",
pmenu_bg = "#7aa2f7",
folder_bg = "#7aa2f7",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#C5C8C2",
darker_black = "#191b1d",
black = "#1d1f21", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#232527",
one_bg = "#363a41",
one_bg2 = "#353b45",
one_bg3 = "#30343c",
grey = "#434547",
grey_fg = "#545B68",
grey_fg2 = "#616875",
light_grey = "#676e7b",
red = "#cc6666",
baby_pink = "#FF6E79",
pink = "#ff9ca3",
line = "#27292b", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#a4b595",
vibrant_green = "#a3b991",
nord_blue = "#728da8",
blue = "#6f8dab",
yellow = "#d7bd8d",
sun = "#e4c180",
purple = "#b4bbc8",
dark_purple = "#b290ac",
teal = "#8abdb6",
orange = "#DE935F",
cyan = "#70c0b1",
statusline_bg = "#212326",
lightbg = "#373B41",
lightbg2 = "#2D3035",
pmenu_bg = "#a4b595",
folder_bg = "#6f8dab",
return colors
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
white = "#d6d6d6",
darker_black = "#0b0f11",
black = "#0F1315", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#161a1c",
one_bg = "#1b1f21",
one_bg2 = "#202426",
one_bg3 = "#25292b",
grey = "#3c4042",
grey_fg = "#464a4c",
grey_fg2 = "#4a4e50",
light_grey = "#515557",
red = "#e74c4c",
baby_pink = "#FF6E79",
pink = "#ef7cbb",
line = "#1a1e20", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#6bb05d",
vibrant_green = "#8dc776",
nord_blue = "#51a39f",
blue = "#66a3b4",
yellow = "#f0a972",
sun = "#e59e67",
purple = "#b4bbc8",
dark_purple = "#946fa8",
teal = "#5b98a9",
orange = "#eaa36c",
cyan = "#74b1c2",
statusline_bg = "#131719",
lightbg = "#2e3238",
lightbg2 = "#1d2123",
pmenu_bg = "#6bb05d",
folder_bg = "#5b98a9",
return colors
Reference in New Issue