This commit is contained in:
Christoph J. Scherr 2023-11-20 15:53:56 +01:00
parent e4841da451
commit dcc1f206d4
4 changed files with 116 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -1,51 +1,100 @@
-- rafi Neovim entry-point local config = require("plex.config")
local config = require('plex.config')
config.ensure_lazy() config.ensure_lazy()
if vim.g.started_by_firenvim == true then
vim.o.guifont = "FiraCode Nerd Font:h18"
vim.o.lines = vim.o.lines + 10
vim.o.columns = vim.o.columns + 10
-- Start lazy.nvim plugin manager.
require("lazy").setup(vim.tbl_extend("keep", config.user_lazy_opts(), {
spec = {
{ import = "plex.plugins.core" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.editor" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.browser" },
-- Start lazy.nvim plugin manager. -- This will load a custom user lua/plugins.lua or lua/plugins/*
require('lazy').setup(vim.tbl_extend('keep', config.user_lazy_opts(), { config.has_user_plugins() and { import = "plugins" } or nil,
spec = { },
{ import = 'plex.plugins' }, concurrency = vim.loop.available_parallelism() * 2,
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.coding' }, defaults = { lazy = true, version = false },
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.ui' }, dev = { path = config.path_join(vim.fn.stdpath("config"), "dev") },
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.treesitter' }, install = { missing = true, colorscheme = {} },
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.formatting' }, checker = { enabled = true, notify = false },
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.editor' }, change_detection = { notify = false },
{ import = '' }, ui = { border = "rounded" },
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.lang.go' }, diff = { cmd = "terminal_git" },
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.lang.cpp' }, -- also does C and rust performance = {
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.lang.json' }, rtp = {
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.lang.polyglot' }, disabled_plugins = {
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.lang.python' }, "gzip",
{ import = 'plex.plugins.extras.lang.yaml' }, "vimballPlugin",
-- This will load a custom user lua/plugins.lua or lua/plugins/* "noice.nvim",
config.has_user_plugins() and { import = 'plugins' } or nil, "nvim-notify",
}, "2html_plugin",
concurrency = vim.loop.available_parallelism() * 2, "tarPlugin",
defaults = { lazy = true, version = false }, "bufferline.nvim",
dev = { path = config.path_join(vim.fn.stdpath('config'), 'dev') }, "tutor",
install = { missing = true, colorscheme = {} }, "zipPlugin",
checker = { enabled = true, notify = false }, },
change_detection = { notify = false },
ui = { border = 'rounded' },
diff = { cmd = 'terminal_git' },
performance = {
rtp = {
disabled_plugins = {
}, },
}, },
}, }))
config.setup() config.setup()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-DOWN>", function()
vim.o.lines = vim.o.lines + 1
end, { expr = true, desc = "Make Display bigger" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-UP>", function()
vim.o.lines = vim.o.lines - 1
end, { expr = true, desc = "Make Display smaller" })
vim.o.laststatus = 2
vim.o.showtabline = 2
-- Start lazy.nvim plugin manager.
require("lazy").setup(vim.tbl_extend("keep", config.user_lazy_opts(), {
spec = {
{ import = "plex.plugins" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.coding" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.ui" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.treesitter" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.formatting" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.editor" },
{ import = "" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.lang.go" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.lang.cpp" }, -- also does C and rust
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.lang.json" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.lang.polyglot" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.lang.python" },
{ import = "plex.plugins.extras.lang.yaml" },
-- This will load a custom user lua/plugins.lua or lua/plugins/*
config.has_user_plugins() and { import = "plugins" } or nil,
concurrency = vim.loop.available_parallelism() * 2,
defaults = { lazy = true, version = false },
dev = { path = config.path_join(vim.fn.stdpath("config"), "dev") },
install = { missing = true, colorscheme = {} },
checker = { enabled = true, notify = false },
change_detection = { notify = false },
ui = { border = "rounded" },
diff = { cmd = "terminal_git" },
performance = {
rtp = {
disabled_plugins = {

View File

@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ map('n', '<leader>l', '<cmd>Lazy<cr>', { desc = 'Open Lazy UI' })
-- Move faster between lines -- Move faster between lines
-- See vim-smoothie -- See vim-smoothie
--map({ 'n', 'x' }, 'K', "<C-u>") map({ 'n', 'x' }, 'K', "<C-u>")
--map({ 'n', 'x' }, 'J', "<C-d>") map({ 'n', 'x' }, 'J', "<C-d>")
-- Easier line-wise movement -- Easier line-wise movement
map({'n', 'v'}, 'H', '<HOME>') map({'n', 'v'}, 'H', '<HOME>')

View File

@ -140,7 +140,13 @@ opt.number = true -- Show line numbers
opt.ruler = true -- Default status ruler opt.ruler = true -- Default status ruler
opt.list = true -- Show hidden characters opt.list = true -- Show hidden characters
opt.showtabline = 2 -- Always show the tabs line if vim.g.started_by_firenvim == false then
opt.showtabline = 2 -- Always show the tabs line
opt.laststatus = 2 -- Always show laststatus
opt.showtabline = 1 -- Don't show tabline in firenvim, unless multitab
opt.laststatus = 1 -- Don't show laststatus in firenvim
opt.helpheight = 0 -- Disable help window resizing opt.helpheight = 0 -- Disable help window resizing
opt.winwidth = 30 -- Minimum width for active window opt.winwidth = 30 -- Minimum width for active window
opt.winminwidth = 1 -- Minimum width for inactive windows opt.winminwidth = 1 -- Minimum width for inactive windows

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
return {
-- Lazy load firenvim
-- Explanation:
lazy = not vim.g.started_by_firenvim,
build = function()