clean readme | rm outdated info & update img links

This commit is contained in:
siduck 2022-06-09 08:45:28 +05:30
parent dd260cb4d5
commit 5ee4f93309
5 changed files with 20 additions and 22 deletions

.github/ vendored
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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
## Showcase
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
( Zoom in the screenshot )
@ -67,45 +67,42 @@
Fast file tree:
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<h3> Telescope-nvim </h3>
A fuzzy file finder, picker, sorter, previewer and much more:
<kbd><img src=""></kbd>
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<h3> Indent-blankline.nvim </h3>
Adds indentline:
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<h3> Feline.nvim </h3>
<h3> Our own statusline written from scratch </h3>
Highly configurable statusline plugin:
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<h3> Nvim-bufferline.lua </h3>
Better tab implementation:
A snazzy bufferline for Neovim
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<h3> Nvim-web-devicons </h3>
Lua fork of Vim Devicons which offers more file icon customisability:
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
<h3> Nvim-treesitter </h3
Better syntax highlighting for programming languages (NvChad by default comes with Lua/bash treesitter parsers).
Without/with Treesitter:
<kbd><img src=""></kbd><hr>
NeoVim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer. We mostly use this for syntax highlighting. The pretty syntax highlighting you see in all of our screenshots has gotten possible due to treesitter
@ -117,7 +114,6 @@ Without/with Treesitter:
- File navigation with [nvim-tree.lua](
- Managing tabs, buffers with [bufferline.nvim](
- Beautiful and configurable icons with [nvim-web-devicons](
- Pretty and functional statusline with [feline.nvim](
- Git diffs and more with [gitsigns.nvim](
- NeoVim Lsp configuration with [nvim-lspconfig]( and [lsp-installer](
- Autocompletion with [nvim-cmp](

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ M.plugins = {
statusline = {
separator_style = "default", -- default/round/block
config = "%!v:lua.require'ui.statusline'.run()",

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@ -22,6 +22,3 @@ autocmd('BufEnter', {
pattern = '*',
command = 'set fo-=c fo-=r fo-=o'
-- load statusline
vim.opt.statusline = "%!v:lua.require'ui.statusline'.run()"

View File

@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ g.toggle_theme_icon = "  "
g.transparency = config.ui.transparency
opt.confirm = true
opt.laststatus = 3 -- global statusline
opt.statusline = config.plugins.options.statusline.config
opt.showmode = false
opt.title = true
opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus"
opt.cmdheight = 1

View File

@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ M.LSP_status = function()
M.cwd = function()
local left_sep = "%#ST_EmptySpace2#" .. sep_l .. "%#St_cwd_sep#" .. sep_l
local dir_icon = "%#St_cwd_icon#" .. " "
local left_sep = "%#St_cwd_sep#" .. sep_l
local dir_icon = "%#St_cwd_icon#" .. " "
local dir_name = "%#St_cwd_text#" .. " " .. fn.fnamemodify(fn.getcwd(), ":t") .. " "
return (vim.o.columns > 120 and left_sep .. dir_icon .. dir_name) or ""
M.cursor_position = function()
local left_sep = "%#ST_EmptySpace#" .. sep_l .. "%#St_pos_sep#" .. sep_l
local left_sep = "%#St_pos_sep#" .. sep_l
local icon = "%#St_pos_icon#" .. ""
local current_line = fn.line "."