
79 lines
1.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-09-06 01:26:46 +02:00
local winwidth = 30
-- Toggle width.
local toggle_width = function()
local max = winwidth * 2
local cur_width = vim.fn.winwidth(0)
local half = math.floor((winwidth + (max - winwidth) / 2) + 0.4)
local new_width = winwidth
if cur_width == winwidth then
new_width = half
elseif cur_width == half then
new_width = max
new_width = winwidth
vim.cmd(new_width .. ' wincmd |')
return {
-- Change builtin plugins' options
keys = {
'<cmd>Neotree filesystem left toggle dir=./<CR>',
desc = 'Explorer NeoTree Toggle',
-- FIXME: Delete the damn event handler, keep the file window open when I
-- tell it to!
event_handlers = {nil},
window = {
width = winwidth,
mappings = {
['q'] = 'close_window',
['?'] = 'noop',
['<Space>'] = 'noop',
['g?'] = 'show_help',
['<2-LeftMouse>'] = 'open',
['<CR>'] = 'open_with_window_picker',
['l'] = 'open_drop',
['h'] = 'close_node',
['C'] = 'close_node',
['<C-c>'] = 'set_root',
['z'] = 'close_all_nodes',
['<C-r>'] = 'refresh',
['s'] = 'noop',
['sv'] = 'open_split',
['sg'] = 'open_vsplit',
['st'] = 'open_tabnew',
['c'] = { 'copy', config = { show_path = 'relative' } },
['m'] = { 'move', config = { show_path = 'relative' } },
['a'] = { 'add', nowait = true, config = { show_path = 'relative' } },
['N'] = { 'add_directory', config = { show_path = 'relative' } },
['d'] = 'noop',
['dd'] = 'delete',
['r'] = 'rename',
['y'] = 'copy_to_clipboard',
['x'] = 'cut_to_clipboard',
['P'] = 'paste_from_clipboard',
['<S-Tab>'] = 'prev_source',
['<Tab>'] = 'next_source',
['p'] = {
nowait = true,
config = { use_float = true },
['w'] = toggle_width,