
177 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-01-19 22:34:37 +01:00
---@type MappingsTable
local M = {}
M.disabled = {
n = {
["<leader>h"] = "",
["<leader>ff"] = "",
["<C-a>"] = "",
["<C-s>"] = "",
M.lazygit = {
plugin = true,
n = {
["<leader>gg"] = { "<cmd> LazyGit <CR>", "Open LazyGit" },
M.clipboard = {
plugin = false,
n = {
["<leader>y"] = { '"+y', "yank to system" },
["<leader>Y"] = { '"+Y', "yank to system" },
["<leader>yy"] = { '"+y', "yank to system" },
v = {
["<leader>y"] = { '"+y', "yank to system" },
["<leader>Y"] = { '"+Y', "yank to system" },
["<leader>yy"] = { '"+y', "yank to system" },
M.telescope = {
plugin = true,
n = {
-- find
["<localleader>ff"] = { "<cmd> Telescope find_files <CR>", "Find files" },
["<localleader>fa"] = { "<cmd> Telescope find_files follow=true no_ignore=true hidden=true <CR>", "Find all" },
["<localleader>fw"] = { "<cmd> Telescope live_grep <CR>", "Live grep" },
["<localleader>fb"] = { "<cmd> Telescope buffers <CR>", "Find buffers" },
["<localleader>fh"] = { "<cmd> Telescope help_tags <CR>", "Help page" },
["<localleader>fo"] = { "<cmd> Telescope oldfiles <CR>", "Find oldfiles" },
["<localleader>fz"] = { "<cmd> Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find <CR>", "Find in current buffer" },
-- git
["<localleader>cm"] = { "<cmd> Telescope git_commits <CR>", "Git commits" },
["<localleader>gt"] = { "<cmd> Telescope git_status <CR>", "Git status" },
-- pick a hidden term
["<localleader>pt"] = { "<cmd> Telescope terms <CR>", "Pick hidden term" },
-- theme switcher
["<localleader>th"] = { "<cmd> Telescope themes <CR>", "Nvchad themes" },
["<localleader>ma"] = { "<cmd> Telescope marks <CR>", "telescope bookmarks" },
M.nvimtree = {
plugin = true,
n = {
-- toggle
["<C-n>"] = { "<cmd> NvimTreeToggle <CR>", "Toggle nvimtree" },
["<F5>"] = { "<cmd> NvimTreeToggle <CR>", "Toggle nvimtree" },
-- focus
["<localleader>e"] = { "<cmd> NvimTreeFocus <CR>", "Focus nvimtree" },
M.movements = {
plugin = false,
i = {
--big move
["<A-k>"] = { "<C-u>", "big step down" },
["<A-j>"] = { "<C-d>", "big step down" },
-- go to beginning and end
["<C-b>"] = { "<HOME>", "Beginning of line" },
["<C-e>"] = { "<End>", "End of line" },
-- navigate within insert mode
["<C-h>"] = { "<Left>", "Move left" },
["<C-l>"] = { "<Right>", "Move right" },
["<C-j>"] = { "<Down>", "Move down" },
["<C-k>"] = { "<Up>", "Move up" },
n = {
--big move
["<A-k>"] = { "<C-u>", "big step down" },
["<A-j>"] = { "<C-d>", "big step down" },
-- go to beginning and end
["H"] = { "<HOME>", "Beginning of line" },
["L"] = { "<End>", "End of line" },
v = {
--big move
["<A-k>"] = { "<C-u>", "big step down" },
["<A-j>"] = { "<C-d>", "big step down" },
-- go to beginning and end
["H"] = { "<HOME>", "Beginning of line" },
["L"] = { "<End>", "End of line" },
t = {
["<C-w>"] = {
vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<C-\\><C-N>", true, true, true),
"Escape terminal mode",
M.edit = {
plugin = false,
n = {
-- easy newline
["OO"] = { "O<ESC>", "insert a line above", opts = { nowait = false } },
["oo"] = { "o<ESC>", "insert a line below", opts = { nowait = false } },
-- split and join lines
["<leader>jj"] = { "<cmd> join <CR>", "join lines" },
-- do something useful with the arrows
["<Up>"] = { "<cmd> move-2<CR>", "Move line up", opts = { expr = true } },
["<Down>"] = { "<cmd> move+<CR>", "Move line down", opts = { expr = true } },
["<LEFT>"] = { "<<", "Less indentation", opts = { expr = true } },
["<RIGHT>"] = { ">>", "More indentation", opts = { expr = true } },
-- format with conform
["<leader>ff"] = {
v = {
["<LEFT>"] = { "<gv", "Less indentation" },
["<RIGHT>"] = { ">gv", "More indentation" },
x = {
["<Up>"] = { "move'<-2<CR>gv=gv", "Move line up", opts = { expr = true } },
["<Down>"] = { "move'<-2<CR>gv=gv", "Move line down", opts = { expr = true } },
t = {
--big move
["<A-k>"] = { "<C-u>", "big step down" },
["<A-j>"] = { "<C-d>", "big step down" },
M.ui = {
plugin = false,
n = {
-- toggle wrap
["<leader>tw"] = {
vim.opt_local.wrap = not vim.wo.wrap
vim.opt_local.breakindent = not vim.wo.breakindent
if vim.wo.colorcolumn == "" then
vim.opt_local.colorcolumn = tostring(
vim.opt_local.colorcolumn = ""
"toggle wrap",
-- more keybinds!
return M