/** * Count pageviews form GA or local cache file. * * Dependences: * - jQuery * - countUp.js(https://github.com/inorganik/countUp.js) * * © 2018-2019 Cotes Chung * MIT License */ function countUp(min, max, dest) { if (min < max) { var numAnim = new CountUp(dest, min, max); if (!numAnim.error) { numAnim.start(); } else { console.error(numAnim.error); } } } function countPV(path, rows) { /* path permalink looks like: '/posts/post-title/' */ var fileName = path.replace(/\/posts\//g, '').replace(/\//g, '.html'); /* e.g. post-title.html */ var count = 0; var _v2_url = path.replace(/posts\//g, ''); /* the v2.0+ blog permalink: "/post-title/" */ for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { var gaPath = rows[i][0]; if (gaPath == path || gaPath == _v2_url || gaPath.concat('/') == _v2_url || gaPath.slice(gaPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) === fileName) { // old permalink record count += parseInt(rows[i][1]); } } return count; } function displayPageviews(rows, hasInit) { if (rows === undefined) { return; } if ($("#post-list").length > 0) { // the Home page $(".post-preview").each(function() { var path = $(this).children("h1").children("a").attr("href"); var count = countPV(path, rows); count = (count == 0 ? 1 : count); if (!hasInit) { $(this).find('.pageviews').text(count); } else { var initCount = parseInt($(this).find('.pageviews').text()); if (count > initCount) { countUp(initCount, count, $(this).find('.pageviews').attr('id')); } } }); } else if ($(".post").length > 0) { // the post var path = window.location.pathname; var count = countPV(path, rows); count = (count == 0 ? 1 : count); if (!hasInit) { $('#pv').text(count); } else { var initCount = parseInt($('#pv').text()); if (count > initCount) { countUp(initCount, count, 'pv'); } } } } $(function() { // load pageview if this page has .pageviews if ($('.pageviews').length > 0) { var hasInit = false; // Get data from daily cache. $.getJSON('/assets/data/pageviews.json', function(data) { displayPageviews(data.rows, hasInit); hasInit = true; }); $.getJSON('/assets/data/proxy.json', function(data) { $.ajax({ url: data.proxyUrl, dataType: 'jsonp', timeout: 2000, success: function(data) { displayPageviews(data.rows, hasInit); }, error: function(xhr, status, err) { console.log("Failed to load pageviews from proxy server."); xhr.abort(); return; } }); }); } // endif });