--- layout: compress permalink: '/:path/swconf.js' # Note that this file will be fetched by the ServiceWorker, so it will not be cached. --- const swconf = { {% if site.pwa.cache.enabled %} cacheName: 'chirpy-{{ "now" | date: "%s" }}', {%- comment -%} Resources added to the cache during PWA installation. {%- endcomment -%} resources: [ '{{ "/assets/css/:THEME.css" | replace: ':THEME', site.theme | relative_url }}', '{{ "/" | relative_url }}', {% for tab in site.tabs %} '{{- tab.url | relative_url -}}', {% endfor %} {% assign cache_list = site.static_files | where: 'swcache', true %} {% for file in cache_list %} '{{ file.path | relative_url }}'{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%} {% endfor %} ], {%- comment -%} The request url with below domain will be cached. {%- endcomment -%} allowHosts: [ {% if site.img_cdn and site.img_cdn contains '//' %} '{{ site.img_cdn | split: '//' | last | split: '/' | first }}', {% endif %} {%- unless site.assets.self_host.enabled -%} {% for cdn in site.data.origin["cors"].cdns %} '{{ cdn.url | split: "//" | last }}' {%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%} {% endfor %} {% endunless %} ], {%- comment -%} The request url with below path will not be cached. {%- endcomment -%} denyPaths: [ {% for path in site.pwa.cache.deny_paths %} {% unless path == empty %} '{{ path | relative_url }}'{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} ], purge: false {% else %} purge: true {% endif %} };