# The contact options. - type: github icon: "fab fa-github" username: PlexSheep - type: mastodon icon: "fa-brands fa-mastodon" url: https://infosec.exchange/@plexsheep - type: lemmy icon-url: "https://infosec.pub/static/253f0d9b/assets/icons/favicon.svg" url: https://infosec.pub/u/PlexSheep - type: email icon: "fas fa-envelope" noblank: true # open link in current tab - type: rss icon: "fas fa-rss" noblank: true # Uncomment and complete the url below to enable more contact options # # - type: mastodon # icon: 'fab fa-mastodon' # icons powered by # url: '' # Fill with your Mastodon account page, rel="me" will be applied for verification # # - type: linkedin # icon: 'fab fa-linkedin' # icons powered by # url: '' # Fill with your Linkedin homepage # # - type: stack-overflow # icon: 'fab fa-stack-overflow' # url: '' # Fill with your stackoverflow homepage