--- # the default layout is 'page' icon: fas fa-info-circle order: 100 --- This is the personal website and blog if *Christoph J. Scherr*. ## Professionally I am currently a student of Cybersecurity at [DHBW Mannheim](https://www.mannheim.dhbw.de/) and work at [NewTec](https://www.newtec.de). Computer Technology, especially with a focus on security is my passion. ## Technology I like managing and administering servers and services. This website is hosted on a [VPS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_server) hosted in Germany, which I pay [Netcup](https://www.netcup.de) for. Hosting your own services and managing your own servers is fun and I regularly learn new computer related things from it. I like Open Source Software, working on my own projects and using mostly OSS on my devices where possible. All my servers run [Debian](https://www.debian.org), and I use GNU/Linux on my PCs too. I mainly program in [Rust](https://rustlang.org) at the time of writing this, but I know many programming languages. ## Other Interests I've been learning Japanese for over a year by now. I find myself often stumbling over Japanese media, and I've built a liking to the language by now. My Japanese is still pretty bad, and I still struggle to understand basic sentences, but I'm constantly learning.
When I feel creative, I sometimes make music. Some of that can be found [here](https://www.youtube.com/@plexsheep1296).