#!/bin/bash # # Initial the Categories/Tags pages and Lastmod for posts. # © 2019 Cotes Chung # Published under MIT License CATEGORIES=false TAGS=false LASTMOD=false set -eu if [[ ! -z $(git status -s) ]]; then echo "Warning: Commit the changes of the repository first." git status -s exit 1 fi python _scripts/py/init_all.py find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf msg="Updated" if [[ ! -z $(git status categories -s) ]]; then git add categories/ msg+=" the Categories" CATEGORIES=true fi if [[ ! -z $(git status tags -s) ]]; then git add tags/ if [[ $CATEGORIES = true ]]; then msg+="," else msg+=" the" fi msg+=" Tags" TAGS=true fi if [[ ! -z $(git status _posts -s) ]]; then git add _posts/ if [[ $CATEGORIES = true || $TAGS = true ]]; then msg+="," else msg+=" the" fi msg+=" Lastmod" LASTMOD=true fi if [[ $CATEGORIES = true || $TAGS = true || $LASTMOD = true ]]; then msg+=" for post(s)." git commit -m "[Automation] $msg" else msg="Nothing changed." fi echo $msg