#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Generates HTML pages for Categories and Tags in posts. Dependencies: - git - ruamel.yaml v2.0 https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy © 2018-2019 Cotes Chung MIT License ''' import os import shutil import sys import subprocess from ruamel.yaml import YAML from utils.common import get_yaml from utils.common import get_makrdown_files from utils.common import check_py_version DRAFTS_DIR = '_drafts' POSTS_DIR = ['_posts'] CATEGORIES_DIR = 'categories' CATEGORY_LAYOUT = 'category' TAG_DIR = 'tags' TAG_LAYOUT = 'tag' LEVEL = 3 # Tree level for current script file. def help(): print("Usage: " " python pages_generator.py [Option]\n\n" "Options:\n" " -d, --drafts Enable drafts\n" " -v, --verbose Print verbose logs\n") def get_path(dir): path = os.path.abspath(__file__) count = LEVEL r_index = len(path) while r_index > 0: r_index -= 1 if (path[r_index] == '/' or path[r_index] == '\\'): count -= 1 if count == 0: return path[:r_index + 1] + dir def get_categories(): all_categories = [] yaml = YAML() for dir in POSTS_DIR: path = get_path(dir) posts = get_makrdown_files(path) for file in posts: meta = yaml.load(get_yaml(file)[0]) if 'category' in meta: if type(meta['category']) == list: err_msg = ( "[Error] File {} 'category' type" " can not be LIST!").format(file) raise Exception(err_msg) else: if meta['category'] not in all_categories: all_categories.append(meta['category']) else: if 'categories' in meta: if type(meta['categories']) == str: error_msg = ( "[Error] File {} 'categories' type" " can not be STR!").format(file) raise Exception(error_msg) for ctg in meta['categories']: if ctg not in all_categories: all_categories.append(ctg) else: err_msg = ( "[Error] File:{} at least " "have one category.").format(file) print(err_msg) return all_categories def generate_category_pages(is_verbose): categories = get_categories() if len(categories) <= 0: return path = get_path(CATEGORIES_DIR) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) for category in categories: new_page = path + '/' + category.replace(' ', '-').lower() + '.html' with open(new_page, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as html: html.write("---\n") html.write("layout: {}\n".format(CATEGORY_LAYOUT)) html.write("title: {}\n".format(category)) html.write("category: {}\n".format(category)) html.write("---") if is_verbose: print("[INFO] Created page: " + new_page) change = subprocess.getoutput("git status categories -s") if change: print("[INFO] Succeed! {} category-pages created." .format(len(categories))) def get_all_tags(): all_tags = [] yaml = YAML() for dir in POSTS_DIR: path = get_path(dir) posts = get_makrdown_files(path) for file in posts: meta = yaml.load(get_yaml(file)[0]) if 'tags' in meta: for tag in meta['tags']: if tag not in all_tags: all_tags.append(tag) else: raise Exception("Didn't find 'tags' in \ post '{}' !".format(file)) return all_tags def generate_tag_pages(is_verbose): all_tags = get_all_tags() if len(all_tags) <= 0: return tag_path = get_path(TAG_DIR) if os.path.exists(tag_path): shutil.rmtree(tag_path) os.makedirs(tag_path) for tag in all_tags: tag_page = tag_path + '/' + tag.replace(' ', '-').lower() + '.html' with open(tag_page, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as html: html.write("---\n") html.write("layout: {}\n".format(TAG_LAYOUT)) html.write("title: {}\n".format(tag)) html.write("tag: {}\n".format(tag)) html.write("---") if is_verbose: print("[INFO] Created page: " + tag_page) change = subprocess.getoutput("git status tags -s") if change: print("[INFO] Succeed! {} tag-pages created.".format(len(all_tags))) def main(): check_py_version() is_verbose = False if len(sys.argv) > 1: for arg in sys.argv: if arg != sys.argv[0]: if arg == '-d' or arg == '--drafts': POSTS_DIR.insert(0, DRAFTS_DIR) elif arg == '-v' or arg == '--verbose': is_verbose = True else: help() return generate_category_pages(is_verbose) generate_tag_pages(is_verbose) main()