# Jekyll Theme Chirpy [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy.svg)](https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy/blob/master/LICENSE) [![996.icu](https://img.shields.io/badge/link-996.icu-%23FF4D5B.svg)](https://996.icu) English | [中文](README_zh-CN.md) ![devices-mockup](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy/master/assets/img/sample/devices-mockup.png) A minimal, portfolio, sidebar, bootstrap Jekyll theme with responsive web design and focuses on text exhibition. It will help you easily record, manage and share your knowledge and experience. Hope you like it! [**Live Demo** »](https://chirpy.cotes.info) ## Features * Auto Dark Mode * Posts' Last Modified Date * Table of Contents * Recommand Related Post Automatically * Disqus Comments * Syntax highlighting * Two Level Categories * Search * HTML Compress * Atom Feeds * Google Analytics * GA Pageviews (Advanced) * SEO Tag * Performance Optimization ## Quick Start ### Preparation Follow the [Jekyll Docs](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/) to complete the installtion of basic environment (Ruby, RubyGem, Bundler and Jekyll). In addition, to use the funny script tools, we also need to install [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)(version 3.5 or abover) and [ruamel.yaml](https://pypi.org/project/ruamel.yaml/). Next, [fork](https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy/fork) **Chirpy** and then clone your forked repo locally. ### Install Jekyll Plugins Go to the root of repo and run: ```terminal $ bundle install ``` `bundle` will install all the dependent Jekyll Plugins listed in file `Gemfile` automatically. ### File Structure The main files and related brief introductions are listed below. ```sh jekyll-theme-chirpy/ ├── _data ├── _includes ├── _layouts ├── _posts # posts stay here ├── _scripts │ └── travis # CI stuff, remove it ├── .travis.yml # remove this, too ├── .github # remove it ├── assets ├── tabs │   └── about.md # the ABOUT page ├── .gitignore ├── 404.html ├── Gemfile ├── LICENSE ├── README.md ├── _config.yml # configuration file ├── tools # script tools ├── feed.xml ├── index.html ├── robots.txt └── sitemap.xml ``` As mentioned above, some files or directories should be removed from your repo: - .travis.yml - .github - _scripts/travis ### Configuration Customize the variables in file `_config.yml` as needed. * Avatar The sample avatar is `/assets/img/sample/avatar.jpg`. It should be replaced by your own one. Notice that a huge image file will increase the load time of your site, so keep your avatar size as samll as possible(may be ** will help). * TimeZone To ensure that the posts' release date matches the city you live in, please modify the field `timezone` correctly. A list of all available values can be found on [TimezoneConverter](http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/findzone/findzone) or [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones). * Atom Feed The Atom feed url of your site will be: ``` /feed.xml ``` The `SITE_URL` was defined by variable `url` of `_config.yml`. ### Run Locally You may want to preview the site before publishing, so just run the script tool: ```terminal $ bash tools/run.sh ``` >**Note**: The *Recent Update* list requires the latest git-log date of posts, thus make sure the changes in `_posts` have been committed before running this command. Open a brower and visit . Few days later, you may find that the file changes does not refresh in real time by using `run.sh`. Don't worry, the advanced option `-r` (or `--realtime`) will solve this problem, but it requires [**fswatch**](http://emcrisostomo.github.io/fswatch/) to be installed on your machine. ### Deploying to GitHub Pages Before the deployment begins, ensure the `url` in file `_config.yml` has been set to `https://.github.io`(or the custom domain, if you have. e.g. `https://yourdomain.com`). #### Option 1: Built by GitHub Pages By deploying the site in this way, you're allowed to push the source code directly to the remote. > **Note**: If you want to use any third-party Jekyll plugins that not in [this list](https://pages.github.com/versions/), stop reading the current approach and go to [*Option 2: Build locally*](#option-2-build-locally). **1**. Rename the repository to: |Site Type | Repo's Name| |:---|:---| |User or Organization | `.github.io`| |Project| any one except `.github.io`, let's say `project`| **2**. Commit the changes of the repo first, then run the initialization script: ```console $ bash tools/init.sh ``` it will automatically generates the *Latest Modified Date* and *Categories / Tags* page for the posts. **3**. Push the changes to `origin/master` then go to GitHub website and enable GitHub Pages service for the repo. **4**. Check it out: |Site Type | Site URL | |:---|:---| |User or Organization | `https://.github.io/`| |Project| `https://.github.io/project/`| #### Option 2: Build Locally For security reasons, GitHub Pages runs on `safe` mode, which means the third-party Jekyll plugins or custom scripts won't work. If you want to use any another plugins that not in the [whitelist](https://pages.github.com/versions/), **you have to generate the site locally rather than on GitHub Pages**. **1**. Browse to GitHub website, create a brand new repo named: |Site Type | Repo's Name| |:---|:---| |User or Organization | `.github.io`| |Project| any one except `.github.io`, let's say `project`| and clone it. **2**. In the root of the source project, build your site by: ```console $ bash tools/build.sh -d /path/to/local/project/ ``` If you prefer to the Project site, change `baseurl` of file `_config.yml` to your project name, starting with a slash. e.g. `/project`. Or, simply add argument `-b /project` behide the command above. The generated static files will be placed in the root of `/path/to/local/project`. Commit and push the changes to the `master` branch on GitHub. **3**. Go to GitHub website and enable Pages service for the new repository. **4**. Visit at: |Site Type | Site URL | |:---|:---| |User or Organization | `https://.github.io/`| |Project| `https://.github.io/project/`| and enjoy! ## Documentation For more information, please check out the [tutorial](https://chirpy.cotes.info/categories/tutorial/). In the meanwhile, a copy of the tutorial is also available on the [Wiki](https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy/wiki). ## Sponsor Want to buy me a coffee? Click the button ❤️Sponsor at the top of the [Home Page](https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy) and choose a link that suits you to donate. I'd really appreciate it and take it as encouragement to work on better projects. ## License This work is published under [MIT](https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy/blob/master/LICENSE) License.