# The Site Configuration # Import the theme theme: jekyll-theme-chirpy # The language of the webpage › http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm # If it has the same name as one of the files in folder `_data/locales`, the layout language will also be changed, # otherwise, the layout language will use the default value of 'en'. lang: en # Change to your timezone › https://kevinnovak.github.io/Time-Zone-Picker timezone: Europe/Berlin # jekyll-seo-tag settings › https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag/blob/master/docs/usage.md # ↓ -------------------------- title: cscherr.de # the main title tagline: Personal Blog and Website # it will display as the sub-title description: >- # used by seo meta and the atom feed Personal Blog mainly focused on technology and security # Fill in the protocol & hostname for your site. # e.g. 'https://username.github.io', note that it does not end with a '/'. url: "https://www.cscherr.de" social: # Change to your full name. # It will be displayed as the default author of the posts and the copyright owner in the Footer name: Christoph J. Scherr email: contact@cscherr.de # change to your email address links: # The first element serves as the copyright owner's link - https://www.cscherr.de/about - https://github.com/PlexSheep - https://infosec.exchange/@plexsheep # Site Verification Settings # webmaster_verifications: # google: # fill in your Google verification code # bing: # fill in your Bing verification code # alexa: # fill in your Alexa verification code # yandex: # fill in your Yandex verification code # baidu: # fill in your Baidu verification code # facebook: # fill in your Facebook verification code # ↑ -------------------------- # The end of `jekyll-seo-tag` settings # Web Analytics Settings # analytics: # google: # id: # fill in your Google Analytics ID # goatcounter: # id: # fill in your GoatCounter ID # umami: # id: # fill in your Umami ID # domain: # fill in your Umami domain # matomo: # id: # fill in your Matomo ID # domain: # fill in your Matomo domain # Pageviews settings # pageviews: # provider: # now only supports 'goatcounter' # Prefer color scheme setting. # # Note: Keep empty will follow the system prefer color by default, # and there will be a toggle to switch the theme between dark and light # on the bottom left of the sidebar. # # Available options: # # light - Use the light color scheme # dark - Use the dark color scheme # # theme_mode: # [light | dark] # The CDN endpoint for images. # Notice that once it is assigned, the CDN url # will be added to all image (site avatar & posts' images) paths starting with '/' # # e.g. 'https://cdn.com' # img_cdn: # the avatar on sidebar, support local or CORS resources avatar: https://static.cscherr.de/images/profile/profile-margin.png # The URL of the site-wide social preview image used in SEO `og:image` meta tag. # It can be overridden by a customized `page.image` in front matter. social_preview_image: https://static.cscherr.de/images/profile/profile-margin.png # string, local or CORS resources # boolean type, the global switch for TOC in posts. toc: true comments: # Global switch for the post comment system. Keeping it empty means disabled. provider: giscus # [disqus | utterances | giscus] active: giscus # The provider options are as follows: disqus: shortname: # fill with the Disqus shortname. › https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1717111-what-s-a-shortname # utterances settings › https://utteranc.es/ utterances: repo: # / issue_term: # < url | pathname | title | ...> # Giscus options › https://giscus.app giscus: repo: PlexSheep/krata repo_id: R_kgDOLs9vZw category: General category_id: DIC_kwDOLs9vZ84CeoRm mapping: # optional, default to 'pathname' strict: # optional, default to '0' input_position: # optional, default to 'bottom' lang: # optional, default to the value of `site.lang` reactions_enabled: # optional, default to the value of `1` # Self-hosted static assets, optional › https://github.com/cotes2020/chirpy-static-assets assets: self_host: enabled: false # boolean, keep empty means false # specify the Jekyll environment, empty means both # only works if `assets.self_host.enabled` is 'true' env: production # [development | production] pwa: enabled: true # the option for PWA feature (installable) cache: enabled: true # the option for PWA offline cache # Paths defined here will be excluded from the PWA cache. # Usually its value is the `baseurl` of another website that # shares the same domain name as the current website. deny_paths: # - "/example" # URLs match `/example/*` will not be cached by the PWA paginate: 10 # The base URL of your site baseurl: "" # ------------ The following options are not recommended to be modified ------------------ kramdown: syntax_highlighter: rouge syntax_highlighter_opts: # Rouge Options › https://github.com/jneen/rouge#full-options css_class: highlight # default_lang: console span: line_numbers: false block: line_numbers: true start_line: 1 collections: tabs: output: true sort_by: order defaults: - scope: path: "" # An empty string here means all files in the project type: posts values: layout: post comments: true # Enable comments in posts. toc: true # Display TOC column in posts. # DO NOT modify the following parameter unless you are confident enough # to update the code of all other post links in this project. permalink: /posts/:title/ - scope: path: _drafts values: comments: false - scope: path: "" type: tabs # see `site.collections` values: layout: page permalink: /:title/ - scope: path: assets/js/dist values: swcache: true sass: style: compressed compress_html: clippings: all comments: all endings: all profile: true blanklines: true ignore: envs: [] # envs: [development] exclude: - "*.gem" - "*.gemspec" - docs - tools - README.md - LICENSE - rollup.config.js - package*.json jekyll-archives: enabled: [categories, tags] layouts: category: category tag: tag permalinks: tag: /tags/:name/ category: /categories/:name/