Import the tutorial.

This commit is contained in:
Cotes Chung 2019-09-30 20:38:58 +08:00
parent b845c829f6
commit daaad546bb
4 changed files with 388 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
title: "Text and Typography"
date: 2019-08-08 11:33:00 +0800
categories: [Blogging, Demo]
tags: [typography]
This Jekyll template totally compatible with Markdown syntax. Now, let's take a look for the text and typography in this theme.
## Titles
# H1
<h2 data-toc-skip>H2</h2>
<h3 data-toc-skip>H3</h3>
#### H4
## Paragraph
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
## Block Quote
> This line to shows the Block Quote.
## Tables
|Alfreds Futterkiste | Maria Anders | Germany
|Island Trading | Helen Bennett | UK
|Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti | Giovanni Rovelli | Italy
## Link
## Footnote
Click the hook will locate the footnote[^footnote].
## Image
![Desktop View](/assets/img/sample/mockup.png)
## Inline code
This is an example of `Inline Code`.
## Code Snippet
### Common
This is a common code snippet, without syntax highlight and line number.
### Specific Languages
#### Console
$ date
Sun Nov 3 15:11:12 CST 2019
#### Terminal
$ env |grep SHELL
#### Ruby
def sum_eq_n?(arr, n)
return true if arr.empty? && n == 0
arr.product(arr).reject { |a,b| a == b }.any? { |a,b| a + b == n }
#### Shell
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "The command was not successful.";
#do the needful / exit
#### Liquid
{% raw %}
{% if product.title contains 'Pack' %}
This product's title contains the word Pack.
{% endif %}
{% endraw %}
#### HTML
<div class="sidenav">
<a href="#contact">Contact</a>
<button class="dropdown-btn">Dropdown
<i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>
<div class="dropdown-container">
<a href="#">Link 1</a>
<a href="#">Link 2</a>
<a href="#">Link 3</a>
<a href="#contact">Search</a>
**Horizontal Scrolling**
<div class="panel-group">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" id="{{ category_name }}">
<i class="far fa-folder"></i>
<p>This is a very long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long line.</p>
## Reverse Footnote
[^footnote]: The footnote source.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
title: "Write a new Post"
date: 2019-08-08 14:10:00 +0800
categories: [Blogging, Tutorial]
tags: [writting]
## Naming and Path
Create a new file name with the format `` then put it into `_post` of the root directory.
## Front Matter
Basically, you need to fill the [Front Matter]( as below at the top of the post:
title: TITLE
tags: [TAG]
> **Note**: The posts' ***layout*** has been set to `post` by default, so there is no need to add the variable ***layout*** in Front Matter block.
### Categories and Tags
The pages for all the categories and tags are placed in the `categoreis` and `tags` respectively.
Let's say there is a post with title `The Beautify Rose`, it's Front Matter as follow:
title: "The Beautify Rose"
categories: [Plant]
tags: [flower]
> **Note**: `categories` is designed to contain up to two elements.
## Table of Contents
By default, the **T**able **o**f **C**ontents (TOC) is displayed on the right panel of the post. If you want to turn it off globally, go to `_config.yml` and set the variable `toc` to `false`. If you want to turn off TOC for specific post, add the following to post's [Front Matter](
toc: false
## Comments
Similar to TOC, the [Disqus]( comments is loaded by default in each post, and the global switch is defined by variable `comments` in file `_config.yml` . If you want to close the comment for specific post, add the following to the **Front Matter** of the post:
comments: false
## Code Block
Markdown symbols <code class="highlighter-rouge">```</code> can easily create a code block as following examples.
This is a common code snippet, without syntax highlight and line number.
## Specific Language
Using <code class="highlighter-rouge">```Language</code> you will get code snippets with line Numbers and syntax highlight.
> **Note**: The Jekyll style `{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} highlight LANGUAGE {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}` or `{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} highlight LANGUAGE linenos {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}` are not allowed to be used in this theme !
# Yaml code snippet
- part_no: A4786
descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)
price: 1.47
quantity: 4
#### Liquid codes
If you want to display the **Liquid** snippet, surround the liquid code with `{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} raw {%raw%}%}{%endraw%}` and `{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} endraw {%raw%}%}{%endraw%}` .
{% raw %}
{% if product.title contains 'Pack' %}
This product's title contains the word Pack.
{% endif %}
{% endraw %}
## Learn More
For more knowledge about Jekyll posts, visit the [Jekyll Docs: Posts](
## See Also
* [Getting Started]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/getting-started/)
* [Text and Typography]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/text-and-typography/)
* [Customize the Favicon]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/customize-the-favicon/)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
title: Getting Started
date: 2019-08-09 20:55:00 +0800
categories: [Blogging, Tutorial]
tags: [usage]
## Basic Environment
First of all, follow the [Jekyll Docs]( to complete the basic environment (Ruby, RubyGem, Bundler and Jekyll) installation.
In addition, the [python]( and [ruamel.yaml]( are also required.
## Configuration
Customize the variables in file `_config.yml` as needed.
## Atom Feed
The Atom feed url of your site will be:
The `site_url` was defined by variable **url** in `_config.yml`.
## Install Jekyll Plugins
In the root direcoty of the project, run the following command:
$ bundle install
`bundle` will install all dependent Jekyll Plugins declared in `Gemfile` that stored in the root automatically.
## Run Locally
You may want to preview the site before publishing. Run the script in the root directory:
$ bash
>**Note**: Because the *Recent Update* required the latest git-log date of posts, make sure the changes of `_posts` have been committed before running this command.
Open the brower and visit [](
## Deploying to GitHub Pages
### Option 1: Build locally
For security reasons, GitHub Pages runs on `safe` mode, which means the third-party Jekyll plugins or custom scripts will not work. If you want to use any another third-party Jekyll plugins, **your have to build locally rather than on GitHub Pages**.
**1**. On GitHub website, create a new blank repository named `<username>`.
**2**. Build your site by:
$ bash -d /path/to/<username>
The build results will be stored in the root directory of `<username>` and don't forget to push the changes of `<username>` to branch `master` on GitHub.
**3**. Go to GitHub website and enable GitHub Pages service for the new repository `<username>`.
**4**. Visit `https://<username>` and enjoy.
### Option 2: Build by GitHub Pages
By deploying your site in this way, you can push the source code to GitHub repository directly.
> **Note**: If you want to add any third-party Jekyll plugins or custom scripts to your project, please refer to [*Option 1: Build locally*](#option-1-build-locally).
**1**. Rename your repository as `<username>`.
**2**. Commit the changes of your repository before running the initialization script:
$ bash
It will automatically generates the *Latest Modified Date* and *Categories / Tags* page for the posts.
**3**. Push the changes to `origin/master` then go to GitHub website and enable GitHub Pages service for the repository `<username>`.
**4**. Visit `https://<username>` and enjoy.
## See Also
* [Write a new post]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/write-a-new-post/)
* [Text and Typography]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/text-and-typography/)
* [Customize the Favicon]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/customize-the-favicon/)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
title: "Customize the Favicon"
date: 2019-08-11 00:34:00 +0800
categories: [Blogging, Tutorial]
tags: [favicon]
toc: false
The image files of [Favicons]( are placed in `assets/img/favicons`. You may need to replace them with your own. So let's see how to customize these Favicons.
Whit a square image (PNG, JPG or GIF) in hand, open the site [*Favicon & App Icon Generator*]( and upload your original image.
![upload-image]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sample/upload-image.png)
Wait a moment for the website to generate icons of various sizes automatically.
![download-icons]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sample/download-icons.png)
Download the generated package and extract to override the files in directory `assets/img/favicons`.
At last, rebuild the site so that the icon becomes your custom edition.
## See Also
* [Getting Started]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/getting-started/)
* [Write a new post]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/write-a-new-post/)
* [Text and Typography]({{ site.baseurl }}/posts/text-and-typography/)