
73 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2019-09-30 14:38:41 +02:00
The Pannel on right side (Desktop views)
© 2017-2019 Cotes Chung
MIT License
<div class="panel-group">
{% assign lastmod_list = "" | split: "" %}
2019-10-24 20:40:42 +02:00
{% assign index = 0 %}
2019-09-30 14:38:41 +02:00
{% for post in site.posts %}
2019-10-24 20:40:42 +02:00
{% if post.seo.date_modified > and post.seo.date_modified != nil %}
{% capture item %}
{{ post.seo.date_modified }}::{{ index }}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign lastmod_list = lastmod_list | push: item %}
{% endif %}
{% assign index = index | plus: 1 %}
2019-09-30 14:38:41 +02:00
{% endfor %}
{% if lastmod_list.size > 0 %}
<div id="panel-update" class="post mb-4"">
<h3 data-toc-skip>
{{ }}
2019-10-24 20:40:42 +02:00
<ul class="post-content pl-0 pb-1 ml-1 mt-2">
2019-09-30 14:38:41 +02:00
{% assign MAX_SIZE = 5 %}
{% assign sum = 0 %}
2019-10-24 20:40:42 +02:00
{% assign lastmod_list = lastmod_list | sort | reverse %}
{% for item in lastmod_list %}
{% assign index = item | split: "::" | last | plus: 0 %}
{% assign post = site.posts[index] %}
<li><a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
2019-09-30 14:38:41 +02:00
{% assign sum = sum | plus: 1 %}
{% if sum >= MAX_SIZE %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
</div><!-- #panel-update -->
{% endif %}
<div id="panel-tags">
<h3 data-toc-skip>
{{ }}
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap mt-2 pb-1 pr-3">
{% capture tags_array %}
{% for tag in site.tags %}
{{ tag[1] | size }}:{{ tag[0] | replace: ' ', '-' }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign MAX = 10 %}
{% assign count = 0 %}
{% assign trends = tags_array | split: " " | sort | reverse %}
{% for trend in trends %}
{% assign count = count | plus: 1 %}
{% assign tag = trend | split: ":" | last %}
<a class="post-tag" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/tags/{{ tag | downcase }}/">{{ tag | replace: '-', ' ' }}</a>
{% if count >= MAX %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
</div><!-- #panel-tags -->