name: 🐛 Bug Report description: If something isn't working as expected 🤔. labels: - bug body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | ## Thanks for reporting! You can run `spaceship bug-report` in your terminal to automatically pre-fill and open this form. Please search to see if an issue already exists for the bug you encountered. Check [FAQ]( page for commonly encountered problems. - type: textarea attributes: label: The problem description: > Provide a clear and concise description of what the problem is. Tell us what you were trying to do and what happened. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Relevant Zsh configuration description: Please, provide the part of your `~/.zshrc` file related to Spaceship. render: zsh - type: markdown attributes: value: > ## Environment - type: input id: spaceship-version validations: required: true attributes: label: What is version of Spaceship are you using? placeholder: vX.X.X description: > Run `echo $SPACESHIP_VERSION` to get the version of Spaceship you are using. - type: input id: zsh-version validations: required: true attributes: label: What is version of Zsh are you using? placeholder: zsh X.X (architecture) description: > Run `zsh --version` to get the version of Spaceship you are using. - type: input id: os-system validations: required: true attributes: label: What operation system are you running? placeholder: macOS, Linux, Windows, etc. description: > Please, type information about your operating system. - type: input id: zsh-framework attributes: label: Do you use any Zsh framework or plugin manager? placeholder: oh-my-zsh/prezto/antigen/zplug/zgen description: > Otherwise leave blank. - type: input id: terminal attributes: label: Which terminal emulator do you use? placeholder: iTerm/Hyper/Terminator/etc description: > If known, otherwise leave blank. - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional information description: > If you have any additional information for us, use the field below. Provide logs, suggestions, possible solutions, fixes or anything you consider useful. Please note, you can attach screenshots or screen recordings here, by dragging and dropping files in the field below. render: markdown