#compdef go -P -value-,GO*,-default- -P -value-,CGO*,-default- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2016 Github zsh-users - http://github.com/zsh-users # Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Robby Russell and contributors (see # https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/contributors) # Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Go authors # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the zsh-users nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ZSH-USERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Description # ----------- # # Completion script for go 1.19 (http://golang.org). # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Authors # ------- # # * Mikkel Oscar Lyderik Larsen <mikkeloscar@gmail.com> # * Paul Seyfert <pseyfert.mathphys@gmail.com> # * oh-my-zsh authors: # https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/plugins/golang/golang.plugin.zsh # * Go authors # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __go_buildmodes() { local -a buildmodes buildmodes=( 'archive[non-main packages into .a files]' 'c-archive[main package, plus all packages it imports, into a C archive file]' 'c-shared[main package, plus all packages it imports, into a C shared library]' 'default[main packages are built into executables and listed non-main packages are built into .a files]' 'shared[non-main packages into a single shared library that will be used when building with the -linkshared option]' 'exe[main packages into executables]' 'pie[main packages and everything they import into position independent executables (PIE)]' 'plugin[main packages, plus all packages that they import, into a Go plugin]' ) _values 'mode' $buildmodes } __go_runtimedebug() { local -a vars vars=( 'allocfreetrace[profile allocations]:boolean:(1 0)' 'clobberfree[clobber memory after free]:boolean:(1 0)' 'cgocheck[check passing go pointers to non-go]: :((0\:"no checks" 1\:"check checks" 2\:"expensive checks"))' 'efence[allocate on unique pages]:boolean:(1 0)' "gccheckmark[verify garbage collector's concurrent mark phase]:boolean:(1 0)" 'gcpacertrace[print state of the concurrent pacer from garbage collector]:boolean:(1 0)' 'gcshrinkstackoff[disable moving goroutines to smaller stacks]:boolean:(1 0)' 'gcstoptheworld[disable concurrent garbage collection]: :((0\:default 1\:"disable concurrent garbage collection" 2\:"disable concurrent gc and sweeping"))' 'gctrace[emit memory collection and pause information from the garbage collector]:boolean:(1 0)' 'madvdontneed[use MADV_DONTNEED instead of MADV_FREE]:boolean:(1 0)' 'memprofilerate[every N-th allocation should be profiled]:int:' 'invalidptr[crash on invalid integers in pointer-type variables]:boolean:(1 0)' 'sbrk[replace memory allocator and garbage collector by trivial allocator]:boolean:(1 0)' 'scavenge[enable debugging mode of heap scavenger]:boolean:(1 0)' 'scavtrace[emit scavenger work information (memory returned and memory utilization)]:boolean:(1 0)' 'scheddetail[emit detailed states of scheduler, processors, threads, goroutines]:boolean:(1 0)' 'schedtrace[emit scheduler state every N ms to stderr]:int' 'tracebackancestors[set ancestor goroutines to be printed in goroutine creation stacks]:int' 'asyncpreemptoff[disable signal-based asynchronous goroutine preemption.]:boolean:(1 0)' ) _values -s ',' -S '=' "runtime debug behaviour" $vars[@] } __go_gcdebugflags() { _values -s , -S = 'debug flag' \ 'append[print information about append compilation]' \ 'checkptr[instrument unsafe pointer conversions]:pointer conversion checks:((0\:"instrumentation disabled" 1\:"conversions involving unsafe.Pointer are instrumented" 2\:"conversions to unsafe.Pointer force heap allocation"))' \ 'closure[print information about closure compilation]' \ 'compilelater[compile functions as late as possible]' \ 'disablenil[disable nil checks]' \ 'dclstack[run internal dclstack check]' \ 'gcprog[print dump of GC programs]' \ 'libfuzzer[coverage instrumentation for libfuzzer]' \ 'nil[print information about nil checks]' \ 'panic[do not hide any compiler panic]' \ 'slice[print information about slice compilation]' \ 'typeassert[print information about type assertion inlining]' \ 'wb[print information about write barriers]' \ 'export[print export data]' \ 'pctab[print named pc-value table]:pc-value:(pctospadj pctofile pctoline pctoinline pctopcdata)' \ 'locationlists[print information about DWARF location list creation]' \ 'typecheckinl[eager typechecking of inline function bodies]' \ 'dwarfinl[print information about DWARF inlined function creation]' \ 'softfloat[force compiler to emit soft-float code]' \ 'defer[print information about defer compilation]' \ 'ssa/help[print help about SSA debugging]' } __go_gcflags() { _arguments \ '-%[debug non-static initializers]' \ '-c=[concurrency during compilation]:int' \ '-+[compiling runtime]' \ '-B[disable bounds checking]' \ '-C[disable printing of columns in error messages]' \ '-D=[set relative path for local imports]:path: _path_files -/' \ '-E[debug symbol export]' \ '-I=[add directory to import search path]:directory: _path_files -/' \ '-K[debug missing line numbers]' \ '-L[show full file names in error messages]' \ '-N[disable optimizations]' \ '-S[print assembly listing]' \ '-V[print version and exit]' \ '-W[debug parse tree after type checking]' \ '-asmhdr=[write assembly header to file]:file' \ '-bench=[append benchmark times to file]:file' \ '-blockprofile=[write block profile to file]:file' \ '-buildid=[record id as the build id in the export metadata]:id' \ '-complete[compiling complete package (no C or assembly)]' \ '-cpuprofile=[write cpu profile to file]:file' \ '-d=[print debug information about items in list; try -d help]:list: __go_gcdebugflags' \ '-dwarf[generate DWARF symbols (default true)]' \ '-dwarfbasentries[use base address selection entries in DWARF (default true)]' \ '-dwarflocationlists[add location lists to DWARF in optimized mode (default true)]' \ '-dynlink[support references to Go symbols defined in other shared libraries]' \ '-e[no limit on number of errors reported]' \ '-gendwarfinl=[generate DWARF inline info records (default 2)]:int' \ '-goversion=[required version of the runtime]:string' \ '-h[halt on error]' \ '-importcfg=[read import configuration from file]:file' \ '-installsuffix=[set pkg directory suffix]:suffix' \ '-j[debug runtime-initialized variables]' \ '-json=[version,destination for JSON compiler/optimizer logging]:string' \ '-l[disable inlining]' \ '-lang=[release to compile for]:string' \ '-linkobj=[write linker-specific object to file]:file' \ '-linkshared[generate code that will be linked against Go shared libraries]' \ '-live[debug liveness analysis]' \ '-m[print optimization decisions]' \ '-memprofile=[write memory profile to file]:file' \ '-memprofilerate=[set runtime.MemProfileRate to rate]:rate' \ '-msan[build code compatible with C/C++ memory sanitizer]' \ '-mutexprofile=[write mutex profile to file]:file' \ '-newobj[use new object file format]' \ '-nolocalimports[reject local (relative) imports]' \ '-o=[write output to file]:file' \ '-p=[set expected package import path]:path: _path_files -/' \ '-pack[write to file.a instead of file.o]' \ '-r[debug generated wrappers]' \ '-race[enable race detector]' \ '-shared[generate code that can be linked into a shared library]' \ '-smallframes[reduce the size limit for stack allocated objects]' \ '-spectre=[enable spectre mitigations]:mitigations:(all index ret)' \ '-std[compiling standard library]' \ '-symabis=[read symbol ABIs from file]:file' \ '-traceprofile=[write an execution trace to file]:file' \ '-trimpath=[remove prefix from recorded source file paths]:prefix' \ '-v[increase debug verbosity]' \ '-w[debug type checking]' \ '-wb[enable write barrier (default true)]' \ } local -a commands build_flags commands=( 'bug:start a bug report' 'build:compile packages and dependencies' 'clean:remove object files and cached files' 'doc:show documentation for package or symbol' 'env:print Go environment information' 'fix:update packages to use new APIs' 'fmt:gofmt (reformat) package sources' 'generate:generate Go files by processing source' 'get:download and install packages and dependencies' 'install:compile and install packages and dependencies' 'list:list packages or modules' 'mod:module maintenance' 'work:workspace maintenance' 'run:compile and run Go program' 'test:test packages' 'tool:run specified go tool' 'version:print Go version' 'vet:report likely mistakes in packages' 'help:get more information about a command' ) __go_envvarvals() { # if __go_envvarvals is called for -value-, I use the function argument to # decide which variable to go to. if $1 is not set, then __go_envvarvals is # called from the `go env` completion and the current word (with all after # the first '=' removed) is the current variable. local variable variable=${1-${words[$CURRENT]%%=*}} case $variable in # commands AR) ;& CC) ;& CXX) ;& FC) ;& GCCGO) _command_names -e ;; # directories (using fallthrough) GOBIN) ;& GOCACHE) ;& GOTMPDIR) ;& GOTOOLDIR) ;& GOROOT) ;& GOROOT_FINAL) ;& GCCGOTOOLDIR) ;& GOPATH) ;& GOMODCACHE) _files -/ ;; # regular files (using fallthrough) GOMOD) ;& PKG_CONFIG) ;& GOENV) _files ;; # special GOHOSTOS) ;& GOOS) # from https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment _values 'operating system' aix android darwin dragonfly freebsd illumos ios js linux netbsd openbsd plan9 solaris windows ;; GOHOSTARCH) ;& GOARCH) _values 'architecture' amd64 386 arm64 arm ppc64 ppc64le mips mipsle mips64 mips64le riscv64 s390x wasm ;; CGO_ENABLED) _values 'enable/disable cgo' 0 1 ;; GO_EXTLINK_ENABLED) _values 'enable/disable external linkage' 0 1 ;; GOARM) _values 'target arm architecture' 5 6 7 ;; GO386) _values 'x86 floating point instruction set' 387 sse2 ;; GOAMD64) _values 'amd64 instruction set' v1 v2 v3 v4 ;; GOMIPS*) _values 'mips floating point instructions' hardfloat softfloat ;; GOPPC64) _values 'powerpc64 instruction set' power8 power9 ;; GOWASM) _values 'web assembly features' -s ',' satconv signext ;; GOPROXY) _urls ;; GOEXE) _message "suffix for executables" ;; CGO_*FLAGS_*ALLOW) _message "regexp" ;; CGO_*FLAGS) _dispatch $service -value-,${variable#CGO_},-default- ;; GODEBUG) __go_runtimedebug ;; GOFLAGS) # not implemented, sorry ;; GOINSECURE) ;& GOPRIVATE) ;& GONOPROXY) ;& GONOSUMDB) # comma separated glob patterns (in the syntax of Go's path.Match) _message "comma separated glob pattern" ;; GOSUMDB) _message "e.g. sum.golang.org+<publickey> https://sum.golang.org" ;; esac } if [[ "$service" = -value-* ]]; then variable=${${service%,-default-}#-value-,} # some special variables are not read from the environment local -a blacklist blacklist=('GOEXE' 'GOGCCFLAGS' 'GOHOSTARCH' 'GOHOSTOS' 'GOMOD' 'GOTOOLDIR') if (($blacklist[(I)$variable])); then return fi __go_envvarvals $variable return fi _arguments \ "1: :{_describe 'command' commands}" \ '*:: :->args' case $state in args) build_flags=( '-a[force rebuilding of packages that are already up-to-date]' '-n[print the commands but do not run them]' '-p[number of builds that can be run in parallel]:number' '-race[enable data race detection]' '-msan[enable interoperation with memory sanitizer]' '-asan[enable interoperation with address sanitizer]' '-v[print the names of packages as they are compiled]' '-work[print temporary work directory and keep it]' '-x[print the commands]' '-asmflags[arguments for each go tool asm invocation]:flags' '-buildmode[build mode to use]:mode:__go_buildmodes' '-buildvcs[stamp binaries with version control information]:mode:(internal external auto)' '-compiler[name of compiler to use]:name' '-gccgoflags[arguments for gccgo]:args' '*-gcflags=[arguments for each go tool compile invocation]:args:__go_gcflags' '-installsuffix[suffix to add to package directory]:suffix' '-ldflags[arguments to pass on each go tool link invocation.]:flags' '-linkshared[link against shared libraries]' '-overlay[read a JSON config file that provides an overlay for build operations]:file:_files -g "*.json"' '-pkgdir[install and load all packages from dir]:dir' '-tags[list of build tags to consider satisfied]:tags' '-trimpath[remove all file system paths from the resulting executable]' '-toolexec[program to use to invoke toolchain programs]:args' ) mod_flags=( '-mod=[module download mode to use]:download mode:(readonly vendor mod)' '-modcacherw[leave newly-created directories in the module cache read-write]' '-modfile=[read an alternate go.mod file]:modfile: _files -g "*.mod"' ) edit_flags=( '-fmt[reformats the go.mod/work file without making other changes]' \ '*-require=[add a requirement on the given module path and version]:require' \ '*-droprequire=[drop a requirement on the given module path and version]:droprequire' \ '-go[sets the expected Go language version]:goversion' \ '*-replace=[add a replacement of the given module path and version]:replace' \ '*-dropreplace=[drop a replacement of the given module path and version]:dropreplace' \ '-json[prints the final go.mod/work file in JSON format]' \ '-print[prints the final go.mod/work in its text format]' \ ) __go_packages() { local gopaths declare -a gopaths gopaths=("${(s/:/)$(go env GOPATH)}") gopaths+=("$(go env GOROOT)") for p in $gopaths; do _path_files $@ -W "$p/src" -/ done # no special treatment for # - relative paths starting with .. # - absolute path starting with / # - variables, substitutions, subshells if [[ $words[$CURRENT] = ..* || $words[$CURRENT] = \$* || $words[$CURRENT] = /* ]]; then _path_files $@ -/ -g '*.go' else # go build accepts paths relative to the cwd but they must start with './', so prefix them _path_files $@ -P './' -/ -g '*.go' fi } case $words[1] in build) _arguments \ '-o[force build to write to named output file or directory]:file or directory:_files' \ '-i[installs the packages that are dependencies of the target]' \ ${build_flags[@]} \ ${mod_flags[@]} \ '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ;; clean) _arguments \ '-i[remove corresponding installed archive or binary]' \ '-r[apply clean recursively on all dependencies]' \ '-cache[remove the entire go build cache]' \ '-testcache[expire all test results in the go build cache]' \ '-modcache[clean to remove the entire module download cache]' \ '-fuzzcache[remove files stored in the Go build cache for fuzz testing]' \ ${build_flags[@]} \ ${mod_flags[@]} \ '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ;; doc) _arguments \ '-all[show all the documentation for the package]' \ '-c[respect case when matching symbols]' \ '-cmd[treat a command (package main) like a regular package]' \ '-short[one-line representation for each symbol]' \ '-src[show the full source code for the symbol]' \ '-u[show docs for unexported and exported symbols and methods]' ;; env) local -a goenvvars goenvvars=( "GOARCH[architecture, or processor, for which to compile code.]:architecture" "GCCGO[gccgo command to run.]:gccgo command" "GOBIN[directory where 'go install' installs to]:go install target dir" "GOCACHE[directory to store cached information]:go build cache dir" "GODEBUG[enable runtime debug facilities]:runtime debug settings" "GOENV[location of the go environment configuration file]:configuration file" "GOFLAGS[default go command line flags]:space separated default command line flags" "GOINSECURE[module prefixes that are fetched insecurely]:comma separated module prefixes" "GOOS[target operating system]:operating system" "GOPATH[path to resolve import statements]:import path" "GOPROXY[URL of go module proxy]:proxy url" "GOROOT[root of the go tree]:go root directory" "GOTMPDIR[directory for temporary sources, packages, and binaries]:tmp directory" "GOPRIVATE[modules that should always be fetched directly]:comma separated glob patterns" "GONOPROXY[modules that should always be fetched directly]:comma separated glob patterns" "GONOSUMDB[modules that should not be compared against the checksum db]:comma separated glob patterns" "GOMODCACHE[module cache directory]:path" "GOSUMDB[checksum database]:name(+publickey( url))" "AR[command for manipulating library archives (for gccgo)]:archive manipulation program" "CC[command to compile C code]:C compiler" "CGO_ENABLED[enable/disable cgo]:boolean" "CGO_CFLAGS[flags passed to the compiler for C code]:C compilation flags" "CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW[additional flags to allow to appear in #cgo CFLAGS]:regular expression" "CGO_CFLAGS_DISALLOW[flags that must be disallowed from appearing in #cgo CFLAGS]" "CGO_CPPFLAGS[flags passed to the C preprocessor]:C preprocessor flags" "CGO_CPPFLAGS_ALLOW[additional flags to allow to appear in #cgo CPPFLAGS]:regular expression" "CGO_CPPFLAGS_DISALLOW[flags that must be disallowed from appearing in #cgo CPPFLAGS]" "CGO_CXXFLAGS[flags passed to the compiler for C++ code]:C++ compilation flags" "CGO_CXXFLAGS_ALLOW[additional flags to allow to appear in #cgo CXXFLAGS]:regular expression" "CGO_CXXFLAGS_DISALLOW[flags that must be disallowed from appearing in #cgo CXXFLAGS]" "CGO_FFLAGS[flags passed to the compiler for Fortran code]:Fortran compilation flags" "CGO_FFLAGS_ALLOW[additional flags to allow to appear in #cgo FFLAGS]:regular expression" "CGO_FFLAGS_DISALLOW[flags that must be disallowed from appearing in #cgo FFLAGS]" "CGO_LDFLAGS[flags passed to the compiler for linker]:linker flags" "CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW[additional flags to allow to appear in #cgo LDFLAGS]:regular expression" "CGO_LDFLAGS_DISALLOW[flags that must be disallowed from appearing in #cgo LDFLAGS]" "CXX[command to compile C++]:C++ compiler" "FC[command to compile Fortran]:Fortran compiler" "PKG_CONFIG[Path to pkg-config tool.]:path to pkg-config" "GOARM[arm architecture]:arm architecture" "GO386[x86 instruction set]:x86 instruction set" "GOAMD64[amd64 instruction set]:amd64 instruction set" "GOMIPS[mips instruction set]:mips instruction set" "GOMIPS64[mips64 instruction set]:mips64 instruction set" "GOPPC64[powerpc64 instruction set]:powerpc64 instruction set" "GOWASM[web assembly features]:comma separated web assembly features" "GCCGOTOOLDIR[directory of gccgo tools]:gccgo tool directory" "GOROOT_FINAL[root of the go tree]:go root" "GO_EXTLINK_ENABLED[enable external linking mode]:boolean" "GIT_ALLOW_PROTOCOL[schemes allowed to fetch]:colon separated git schemes" "GOEXE[suffix for executables]:executable suffix" "GOGCCFLAGS[arguments supplied to CC]:space separated arguments to CC" "GOHOSTARCH[architecture of the toolchain binaries]:host os architecture" "GOHOSTOS[operating system of the toolchain binaries]:host os" "GOMOD[absolute path the the main go.mod]:abs path to main go.mod" "GOTOOLDIR[installation directory of go tools]:tool installation directory" ) local -a exclude_from_w exclude_from_w=(GOENV) __list_env_vars() { # the parameter expansion strops off everything after the first [ _values -s ' ' -w 'environment variable' ${goenvvars[@]%%\[*} } # the ^ parameter expansion appends ": __go_envvarvals" to every element of goenvvars # the :# parameter expansion removes all elements matching GOENV* [[ $words[2] != '-w' ]] && _arguments \ '-json[print the environment in JSON format]' \ '-u[unset environment variables]' \ '-w[change the default setting of environment variables]' \ '*:[show environment variable]: __list_env_vars' || _values \ -s ' ' -S "=" -w 'environment variable' ${^goenvvars:#GOENV*}": __go_envvarvals" ;; fix) _arguments '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ;; fmt) _arguments \ '-n[prints commands that would be executed]' \ '-x[prints commands as they are executed]' \ '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ;; generate) _arguments \ '-run=[specifies a regular expression to select directives]:regex' \ '-x[print the commands]' \ '-n[print the commands but do not run them]' \ '-v[print the names of packages as they are compiled]' \ "*:args:{ _alternative ':importpaths:__go_packages' _files }" ;; get) # no mod_flags for get _arguments \ '-d[instructs get to stop after downloading the packages]' \ '-f[force get -u not to verify that each package has been checked from vcs]' \ '-fix[run the fix tool on the downloaded packages]' \ '-insecure[permit fetching/resolving custom domains]' \ '-t[also download the packages required to build tests]' \ '-u[use the network to update the named packages]' \ ${build_flags[@]} \ '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ;; install) _arguments ${build_flags[@]} \ '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ;; list) local -a list_args list_args=( '-e[changes the handling of erroneous packages]' '-f[specifies an alternate format for the list]:format' '-json[causes package data to be printed in JSON format]' '-compiled[set CompiledGoFiles to the Go source files presented to the compiler]' '-deps[iterate over named packages and their dependencies]' '-m[list modules instead of packages]' ${build_flags[@]} ${mod_flags[@]} '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ) # -u and -versions are only available if -m is present on the commandline if (($words[(I)-m])); then list_args+=( '-u[adds information about available upgrades]' '-versions[list all known versions of modules]' ) fi _arguments ${list_args[@]} ;; mod) local -a mod_commands mod_commands=( 'download:download modules to local cache' 'edit:edit go.mod from tools or scripts' 'graph:print module requirement graph' 'init:initialize new module in current directory' 'tidy:add missing and remove unused modules' 'vendor:make vendored copy of dependencies' 'verify:verify dependencies have expected content' 'why:explain why packages or modules are needed' 'help:get more information about a command' ) _arguments \ "1: :{_describe 'command' mod_commands}" \ '*:: :->args' case $state in args) case $words[1] in download) _arguments \ '-json[print a sequence of JSON objects to standard output]' \ '-x[print the commands download executes]' ;; edit) _arguments \ ${edit_flags[@]} \ "-module[change the module's path]" \ '*-exclude=[add an exclusion for the given module path and version]:exclude' \ '*-dropexclude=[drop an exclusion for the given module path and version]:dropexclude' \ ':go.mod:_path_files -g "go.mod"' ;; graph) _arguments \ '-go[report the module graph as loaded by the given Go version]:goversion' ;; init) # Use go packages as module name suggestion _arguments \ '*:module:__go_packages' ;; tidy) _arguments \ '-v[print information about removed modules to standard error]' \ '-e[attempt to proceed despite errors encountered while loading packages]' \ '-go[update the go directive in the go.mod file to the given version]:goversion' \ '-compat[preserves additional checksums needed for the indicated Go version]' ;; vendor) _arguments \ '-v[print the names of vendored modules and packages to standard error]' \ '-e[attempt to proceed despite errors encountered while loading packages]' \ '-o[create the vendor directory at the given path instead of "vendor"]:directory:_path_files -/' ;; verify) ;; why) _arguments \ '-m[treats the arguments as a list of modules]' \ '-vendor[exclude tests of dependencies]' \ '*:module:__go_packages' ;; esac ;; esac ;; run) _arguments \ ${build_flags[@]} \ '-exec[invoke the binary using xprog]:xporg' \ '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ;; test) if [[ $words[$CURRENT] = -test.* ]]; then _arguments \ '-test.bench[run only benchmarks matching regexp]:regexp' \ '-test.benchmem[print memory allocations for benchmarks]' \ '-test.benchtime[run each benchmark for duration d (default 1s)]:d' \ '-test.blockprofile[write a goroutine blocking profile to file]:file:_files' \ '-test.blockprofilerate[set blocking profile rate (see runtime.SetBlockProfileRate) (default 1)]:rate' \ '-test.count[run tests and benchmarks n times (default 1)]:n' \ '-test.coverprofile[write a coverage profile to file]:file:_files' \ '-test.cpu[comma-separated list of cpu counts to run each test with]:comma-separated list' \ '-test.cpuprofile[write a cpu profile to file]:file:_files' \ '-test.failfast[do not start new tests after the first test failure]' \ '-test.list[list tests, examples, and benchmarks matching regexp then exit]:regexp' \ '-test.fuzz[run the fuzz test matching regexp]:regexp' \ '-test.fuzzcachedir[directory where interesting fuzzing inputs are stored]:dir:_path_files -/' \ '-test.fuzzminimizetime[time to spend minimizing a value after finding a failing input (default 1m0s)]:t' \ '-test.fuzztime[time to spend fuzzing; default is to run indefinitely]:t' \ '-test.fuzzworker[coordinate with the parent process to fuzz random values (for use only by cmd/go)]' \ '-test.list[list tests, examples, and benchmarks matching regexp then exit]:regexp' \ '-test.memprofile[write an allocation profile to file]:file:_files' \ '-test.memprofilerate[set memory allocation profiling rate (see runtime.MemProfileRate)]:rate' \ '-test.mutexprofile[write a mutex contention profile to the named file after execution]:string' \ '-test.mutexprofilefraction[if >= 0, calls runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction() (default 1)]:int' \ '-test.outputdir[write profiles to dir]:dir:_path_files -/' \ '-test.paniconexit0[panic on call to os.Exit(0)]' \ '-test.parallel[run at most n tests in parallel (default 4)]:n' \ '-test.run[run only tests and examples matching regexp]:regexp' \ '-test.short[run smaller test suite to save time]' \ '-test.shuffle[randomize the execution order of tests and benchmarks (default "off")]:string' \ '-test.testlogfile[write test action log to file (for use only by cmd/go)]:file' \ '-test.timeout[panic test binary after duration d (default 0, timeout disabled)]:d' \ '-test.trace[write an execution trace to file]:file' \ '-test.v[verbose: print additional output]' else _arguments \ "-c[compile but don't run test]" \ '-i[install dependencies of the test]' \ '-bench[run benchmarks matching the regular expression]:regexp' \ '-benchmem[print memory allocation statistics for benchmarks]' \ '-benchtime[run benchmarks for t rime]:t' \ '-blockprofile[write a goroutine blocking profile to the specified file]:block' \ '-blockprofilerate[control goroutine blocking profiles]:n' \ '-count[run each test and benchmark n times]:n' \ '-cover[enable coverage analysis]' \ '-covermode[set the mode for coverage analysis]:mode:(set count atomic)' \ '-coverpkg[apply coverage analysis in each test of listed packages]:list' \ '-coverprofile[write a coverage profile to file]:cover' \ '-cpu[specify a list of GOMAXPROCS values]:cpus' \ '-cpuprofile[write a CPU profile to the specified file]:profile' \ '-failtest[do not start new tests after the first test failure]' \ '-fuzz[run the fuzz test matching the regular expression]:regexp' \ '-fuzztime[run enough iterations of the fuzz target during fuzzing]:t' \ '-fuzzminimizetime[run enough iterations of the fuzz target during each minimization attempt]:t' \ '-json[log verbose output and test results in JSON]' \ '-list[list tests, benchmarks, fuzz tests, or examples matching the regular expression]:regexp' \ '-memprofile[write a memory profile to file]:mem' \ '-memprofilerate[enable more precise memory profiles]:n' \ '-mutexprofile[write a mutex contention profile to the specified file]:file:_files' \ '-outputdir[place output files from profiling in output dir]:dir' \ '-parallel[allow parallel execution of test functions]:n' \ '-run[run tests and examples matching the regular expression]:regexp' \ '-short[tell long-running tests to shorten their run time]' \ '-shuffle[randomize the execution order of tests and benchmarks]:type:(off on)' \ '-test.-[specify options for test running]:test running options:' \ '-timeout[timeout long running tests]:t' \ '-trace[write an execution trace to the specified file]:trace' \ '-v[verbose output]' \ '-vet[configure the invocation of "go vet" during "go test" to use the comma-separated list of vet checks]:list' \ ${build_flags[@]} \ '-exec[run test binary using xprog]:xprog' \ '-o[compile test binary to named file]:file:_files' \ '*:importpaths:__go_packages' fi ;; tool) local -a tools tools=($(go tool)) _arguments \ '-n[print command that would be executed]' \ "1: :{_describe 'tool' tools}" \ '*:: :->args' case $state in args) case $words[1] in addr2line) _files ;; asm) _arguments \ '-D[predefined symbol with optional simple value]:value' \ '-I[include directory]:value' \ '-S[print assembly and machine code]' \ '-debug[dump instructions as they are parsed]' \ '-dynlink[support references to Go symbols]' \ '-o[output file]:string' \ '-shared[generate code that can be linked into a shared lib]' \ '-trimpath[remove prefix from recorded source file paths]:string' ;; callgraph) local -a algos graphs algos=( 'static:static calls only' 'cha:Class Hierarchy Analysis' 'rta:Rapid Type Analysis' 'pta:inclusion-based Points-To Analysis' ) graphs=( 'digraph:output in digraph format' 'graphviz:output in AT&T GraphViz (.dot) format' ) _arguments \ '-algo=[call-graph construction algorithm]:algos:{ _describe "algos" algos }' \ "-test[include the package's tests in the analysis]" \ '-format=[format in which each call graph edge is displayed]:graphs:{ _describe "graphs" graphs }' ;; cgo) _arguments \ '-debug-define[print relevant #defines]' \ '-debug-gcc[print gcc invocations]' \ '-dynimport[if non-empty, print dynamic import data]:string' \ '-dynlinker[record dynamic linker information]' \ '-dynout[write -dynimport output to file]:file' \ '-dynpackage[set Go package for -dynimport output]:string' \ '-exportheader[where to write export header]:string' \ '-gccgo[generate files for use with gccgo]' \ '-gccgopkgpath[-fgo-pkgpath option used with gccgo]:string' \ '-gccgoprefix[-fgo-prefix option used with gccgo]:string' \ '-godefs[write Go definitions for C file to stdout]' \ '-import_runtime_cgo[import runtime/cgo in generated code]' \ '-import_syscall[import syscall in generated code]' \ '-importpath[import path of package being built]:path' \ '-objdir[object directory]:dir' ;; compile) _arguments \ '-%[debug non-static initializers]' \ '-+[compiling runtime]' \ "-A[for bootstrapping, allow 'any' type]" \ '-B[disable bounds checking]' \ '-D[set relative path for local imports]:path' \ '-E[debug symbol export]' \ '-I[add directory to import search path]:directory' \ '-K[debug missing line numbers]' \ '-L[use full (long) path in error messages]' \ '-M[debug move generation]' \ '-N[disable optimizations]' \ '-P[debug peephole optimizer]' \ '-R[debug register optimizer]' \ '-S[print assembly listing]' \ '-V[print compiler version]' \ '-W[debug parse tree after type checking]' \ '-asmhdr[write assembly header to file]:file' \ '-buildid[record id as the build id in the export metadata]:id' \ '-complete[compiling complete package (no C or assembly)]' \ '-cpuprofile[write cpu profile to file]:file' \ '-d[print debug information about items in list]:list' \ '-dynlink[support references to Go symbols]' \ '-e[no limit on number of errors reported]' \ '-f[debug stack frames]' \ '-g[debug code generation]' \ '-h[halt on error]' \ '-i[debug line number stack]' \ '-installsuffix[set pkg directory suffix]:suffix' \ '-j[debug runtime-initialized variables]' \ '-l[disable inlining]' \ '-largemodel[generate code that assumes a large memory model]' \ '-live[debug liveness analysis]' \ '-m[print optimization decisions]' \ '-memprofile[write memory profile to file]:file' \ '-memprofilerate[set runtime.MemProfileRate to rate]:rate' \ '-nolocalimports[reject local (relative) imports]' \ '-o[write output to file]:file' \ '-p[set expected package import path]:path' \ '-pack[write package file instead of object file]' \ '-r[debug generated wrappers]' \ '-race[enable race detector]' \ '-s[warn about composite literals that can be simplified]' \ '-shared[generate code that can be linked into a shared library]' \ '-trimpath[remove prefix from recorded source file paths]:prefix' \ '-u[reject unsafe code]' \ '-v[increase debug verbosity]' \ '-w[debug type checking]' \ '-wb[enable write barrier (default 1)]' \ '-x[debug lexer]' \ '-y[debug declarations in canned imports (with -d)]' \ '*:file:_files -g "*.go(-.)"' ;; cover) if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _arguments \ '-func=[output coverage profile information for each function]:string' \ '-html=[generate HTML representation of coverage profile]:file:_files' \ '-mode=[coverage mode]:mode:(set count atomic)' return fi _arguments \ '-o[file for output]:file' \ '-var=[name of coverage variable to generate]:var' \ '*:file:_files -g "*.go(-.)"' ;; doc) _arguments \ '-c[respect case when matching symbols]' \ '-cmd[treat a command (package main) like a regular package]' \ '-u[show docs for unexported and exported symbols and methods]' \ ;; fix) _arguments \ '-diff[display diffs instead of rewriting files]' \ '-force[force fixes to run even if the code looks updated]:string' \ '-r[restrict the rewrites]:string' \ '*:files:_files' ;; link) _arguments \ '-B[add an ELF NT_GNU_BUILD_ID note when using ELF]:note' \ '-C[check Go calls to C code]' \ '-D[set data segment address (default -1)]:address' \ '-E[set entry symbol name]:entry' \ '-H[set header type]:type' \ '-I[use linker as ELF dynamic linker]:linker' \ '-L[add specified directory to library path]:directory' \ '-R[set address rounding quantum (default -1)]:quantum' \ '-T[set text segment address (default -1)]:address' \ '-V[print version and exit]' \ '-W[disassemble input]' \ '-X[add string value definition]:definition' \ '-a[disassemble output]' \ '-buildid[record id as Go toolchain build id]:id' \ '-buildmode[set build mode]:mode' \ '-c[dump call graph]' \ '-cpuprofile[write cpu profile to file]:file' \ '-d[disable dynamic executable]' \ '-extld[use linker when linking in external mode]:linker' \ '-extldflags[pass flags to external linker]:flags' \ '-f[ignore version mismatch]' \ '-g[disable go package data checks]' \ '-h[halt on error]' \ '-installsuffix[set package directory suffix]:suffix' \ '-k[set field tracking symbol]:symbol' \ '-linkmode[set link mode]:mode:(internal external auto)' \ '-linkshared[link against installed Go shared libraries]' \ '-memprofile[write memory profile to file]:file' \ '-memprofilerate[set runtime.MemProfileRate to rate]:rate' \ '-n[dump symbol table]' \ '-o[write output to file]:file' \ '-r[set the ELF dynamic linker search path to dir1:dir2:...]:path' \ '-race[enable race detector]' \ '-s[disable symbol table]' \ '-shared[generate shared object (implies -linkmode external)]' \ '-tmpdir[use directory for temporary files]:directory' \ '-u[reject unsafe packages]' \ '-v[print link trace]' \ '-w[disable DWARF generation]' \ '*:files:_files' ;; objdump) _arguments \ '-s[only dump symbols matching this regexp]:regexp' \ '*:files:_files' ;; pack) _arguments '1:ops:(c p r t x)' '::verbose:(v)' ':files:_files' ;; pprof) _arguments \ '-callgrind[outputs a graph in callgrind format]' \ '-disasm=[output annotated assembly]:p' \ '-dot[outputs a graph in DOT format]' \ '-eog[visualize graph through eog]' \ '-evince[visualize graph through evince]' \ '-gif[outputs a graph image in GIF format]' \ '-gv[visualize graph through gv]' \ '-list=[output annotated source for functions matching regexp]:p' \ '-pdf[outputs a graph in PDF format]' \ '-peek=[output callers/callees of functions matching regexp]:p' \ '-png[outputs a graph image in PNG format]' \ '-proto[outputs the profile in compressed protobuf format]' \ '-ps[outputs a graph in PS format]' \ '-raw[outputs a text representation of the raw profile]' \ '-svg[outputs a graph in SVG format]' \ '-tags[outputs all tags in the profile]' \ '-text[outputs top entries in text form]' \ '-top[outputs top entries in text form]' \ '-tree[outputs a text rendering of call graph]' \ '-web[visualize graph through web browser]' \ '-weblist=[output annotated source in HTML]:p' \ '-output=[generate output on file f (stdout by default)]:f' \ '-functions[report at function level (default)]' \ '-files[report at source file level]' \ '-lines[report at source line level]' \ '-addresses[report at address level]' \ '-base[show delta from this profile]:profile' \ '-drop_negative[ignore negative differences]' \ '-cum[sort by cumulative data]' \ '-seconds=[length of time for dynamic profiles]:n' \ '-nodecount=[max number of nodes to show]:n' \ '-nodefraction=[hide nodes below <f>*total]:f' \ '-edgefraction=[hide edges below <f>*total]:f' \ '-sample_index[index of sample value to display]' \ '-mean[average sample value over first value]' \ '-inuse_space[display in-use memory size]' \ '-inuse_objects[display in-use object counts]' \ '-alloc_space[display allocated memory size]' \ '-alloc_objects[display allocated object counts]' \ '-total_delay[display total delay at each region]' \ '-contentions[display number of delays at each region]' \ '-mean_delay[display mean delay at each region]' \ '-runtime[show runtime call frames in memory profiles]' \ '-focus=[restricts to paths going through a node matching regexp]:r' \ '-ignore=[skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp]:r' \ '-tagfocus=[restrict to samples tagged with key:value matching regexp]:r' \ '-tagignore=[discard samples tagged with key:value matching regexp]' \ '-call_tree[generate a context-sensitive call tree]' \ '-unit=[convert all samples to unit u for display]:u' \ '-divide_by=[scale all samples by dividing them by f]:f' \ '-buildid=[override build id for main binary in profile]:id' \ '-tools=[search path for object-level tools]:path' \ '-help[help message]' \ '*:files:_files' ;; trace) _arguments \ '-http=[HTTP service address]:addr' \ '*:files:_files' ;; vet) _arguments \ '-all[check everything]' \ '-asmdecl[check assembly against Go declarations]' \ '-assign[check for useless assignments]' \ '-atomic[check for common mistaken usages of the sync/atomic]' \ '-bool[check for mistakes involving boolean operators]' \ '-buildtags[check that +build tags are valid]' \ '-composites[check that composite literals used field-keyed elements]' \ '-compositewhitelist[use composite white list]' \ '-copylocks[check that locks are not passed by value]' \ '-methods[check that canonically named methods are canonically defined]' \ '-nilfunc[check for comparisons between functions and nil]' \ '-printf[check printf-like invocations]' \ '-printfuncs[print function names to check]:string' \ '-rangeloops[check that range loop variables are used correctly]' \ '-shadow[check for shadowed variables]' \ '-shadowstrict[whether to be strict about shadowing]' \ '-shift[check for useless shifts]' \ '-structtags[check that struct field tags have canonical format]' \ '-tags[list of build tags to apply when parsing]:list' \ '-test[for testing only: sets -all and -shadow]' \ '-unreachable[check for unreachable code]' \ '-unsafeptr[check for misuse of unsafe.Pointer]' \ '-unusedfuncs[list of functions whose results must be used]:string' \ '-unusedresult[check for unused result of calls to functions in -unusedfuncs]' \ '-unusedstringmethods[list of methods whose results must be used]:string' \ '-v[verbose]' \ '*:files:_files' ;; yacc) _arguments \ '-o[output]:output' \ '-v[parsetable]:parsetable' \ '*:files:_files' ;; esac ;; esac ;; version) _arguments \ '-m[print each executable embedded module version information]' \ '-v[report unrecognized files]' \ '*:files:_files' ;; vet) _arguments \ '-n[print commands that would be executed]' \ '-x[prints commands as they are executed]' \ ${build_flags[@]} \ '*:importpaths:__go_packages' ;; work) local -a work_commands work_commands=( 'edit:edit go.work from tools or scripts' 'init:initialize workspace file' 'sync:sync workspace build list to modules' 'use:add modules to workspace file' ) _arguments \ "1: :{_describe 'command' work_commands}" \ '*:: :->args' case $state in args) case $words[1] in edit) _arguments \ ${edit_flags[@]} \ '*-use[add use directive from the go.work set of module directories]' \ '*-dropuse[drop use directive from the go.work set of module directories]' \ ':go.work:_path_files -g "go.work"' ;; init) _arguments \ '*:directory: _path_files -/' ;; sync) ;; use) _arguments \ '-r[searches recursively for modules in the argumentdirectories]' \ '*:directory: _path_files -/' ;; esac ;; esac ;; help) local -a topics topics=( 'buildconstraint:build constraints' 'buildmode:build modes' 'c:calling between Go and C' 'cache:build and test caching' 'environment:environment variables' 'filetype:file types' 'go.mod:the go.mod file' 'gopath:GOPATH environment variable' 'gopath-get:legacy GOPATH go get' 'goproxy:module proxy protocol' 'importpath:import path syntax' 'modules:modules, module versions, and more' 'module-get:module-aware go get' 'module-auth:module authentication using go.sum' 'packages:package lists and patterns' 'private:configuration for downloading non-public code' 'testflag:testing flags' 'testfunc:testing functions' 'vcs:controlling version control with GOVCS' ) _arguments "1: :{_describe 'command' commands -- topics}" ;; esac ;; esac # Local Variables: # mode: Shell-Script # sh-indentation: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # sh-basic-offset: 2 # End: # vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et