# News On Updates in F-Sy-H **2018-08-09** Added ideal string highlighting – FSH now handles any legal quoting and combination of `"`,`'` and `\` when highlighting program arguments. See the introduction for an example (item #14). **2018-08-02** Global aliases are now supported:  **2018-08-01** Hint – how to customize styles when using Zplugin and turbo mode: ```zsh zplugin ice wait"1" atload"set_fast_theme" zplugin light zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting set_fast_theme() { FAST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[${FAST_THEME_NAME}paired-bracket]='bg=blue' FAST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[${FAST_THEME_NAME}bracket-level-1]='fg=red,bold' FAST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[${FAST_THEME_NAME}bracket-level-2]='fg=magenta,bold' FAST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[${FAST_THEME_NAME}bracket-level-3]='fg=cyan,bold' } ``` If you have set theme before an update of styles (e.g. recent addition of bracket highlighting) then please repeat `fast-theme {theme}` call to regenerate theme files. (**2018-08-09**: FSH now has full user-theme support, refer to [appropriate section of README](#customization)). **2018-07-30** Ideal highlighting of brackets (pairing, etc.) – no quoting can disturb the result:  `FAST_HIGHLIGHT[use_brackets]=1` to enable this feature (**2018-07-31**: not needed anymore, this highlighting is active by default). **2018-07-21** Chroma architecture now supports aliases. You can have `alias mygit="git commit"` and when `mygit` will be invoked everything will work as expected (Git chroma will be ran). **2018-07-11** There were problems with Ctrl-C not working when using FSH. After many days I've found a fix for this, it's pushed to master. Second, asynchronous path checking (useful on e.g. slow network drives, or when there are many files in directory) is now optional. Set `FAST_HIGHLIGHT[use_async]=1` to enable it. This saves some users from Zshell crashes – there's an unknown bug in Zsh. **2018-06-09** New chroma functions: `awk`, `make`, `perl`, `vim`. Checkout the [video](https://asciinema.org/a/186234), it shows functionality of `awk` – compiling of code and NOT running it. Perl can do this too: [video](https://asciinema.org/a/186098). **2018-06-06** FSH gained a new architecture – "chroma functions". They are similar to "completion functions", i.e. they are defined **per-command**, but instead of completing that command, they colorize it. Two chroma exist, for `Git` ([video](https://asciinema.org/a/185707), [video](https://asciinema.org/a/185811)) and for `grep` ([video](https://asciinema.org/a/185942)). Checkout [example chroma](https://github.com/zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/chroma/-example.ch) if you would like to highlight a command.  **2018-06-01** Highlighting of command substitution (i.e. `$(...)`) with alternate theme – two themes at once! It was just white before:  To select which theme to use for `$(...)` set the key `secondary=` in [theme ini file](https://github.com/zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/themes/free.ini#L7). All shipped themes have this key set (only the `default` theme doesn't use second theme). Also added correct highlighting of descriptor-variables passed to `exec`:  **2018-05-30** For-loop is highlighted, it has separate settings in [theme file](https://github.com/zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/themes/free.ini).  **2018-05-27** Added support for 256-color themes. There are six themes shipped with FSH. The command to switch theme is `fast-theme {theme-name}`, it has a completion which lists available themes and options. Checkout [asciinema recording](https://asciinema.org/a/183814) that presents the themes. **2018-05-25** Hash holding paths that shouldn't be grepped (globbed) – blacklist for slow disks, mounts, etc.: ```zsh typeset -gA FAST_BLIST_PATTERNS FAST_BLIST_PATTERNS[/mount/nfs1/*]=1 FAST_BLIST_PATTERNS[/mount/disk2/*]=1 ``` **2018-05-23** Assign colorizing now spans to variables defined by `typeset`, `export`, `local`, etc.:  Also, `zcalc` has a separate math mode and specialized highlighting – no more light-red colors because of treating `zcalc` like a regular command-line:  **2018-05-22** Array assignments were still boring, so I throwed in bracked colorizing:  **2018-05-22**<a name="assign-update"></a> Assignments are no more one-colour default-white. When used in assignment, highlighted are: - variables (outside strings), - strings (double-quoted and single-quoted), - math-mode (`val=$(( ... ))`).  **2018-01-06** Math mode is highlighted – expressions `(( ... ))` and `$(( ... ))`. Empty variables are colorized as red. There are 3 style names (fields of [FAST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES](https://github.com/zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/fast-highlight#L34) hash) for math-variable, number and empty variable (error): `mathvar`, `mathnum`, `matherr`. You can set them (like the animation below shows) to change colors.