# Execution time `exec_time` The `exec_time` section displays the execution time of the last command. Will be displayed if it exceeds the set threshold of time (2 seconds by default). ## Defining the threshold If you are not satisfied with the default threshold of 2 seconds, you can define it using the `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_ELAPSED` option. ```zsh title=".zshrc" # This sets threshold to 5 seconds SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_ELAPSED=5 ``` ## Defining precision By default time precision is set to 1 digit after the decimal point. You can change it using the `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_PRECISION` option. ```zsh title=".zshrc" # This sents precision to 2 digits SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_PRECISION=2 ``` ## Options | Variable | Default | Meaning | |:------------------------------- |:----------------------------------:| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_SHOW` | `true` | Show section | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_PREFIX` | `took·` | Section's prefix | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Section's suffix | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_COLOR` | `yellow` | Section's color | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_ELAPSED` | `2` | The minimum number of seconds for showing execution time section | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_PRECISION` | `1` | Number of digits to use in the fractional part of the time value |