# -*- mode: sh; sh-indentation: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Sebastian Gniazdowski
# It runs given command, which in general will be a git command,
# automatically looking at cache first (a field named *-cache,
# in FAST_HIGHLIGHT), which is valid for 5 seconds, and in case
# of outdated or not existing cache, runs the command, splitting
# on new-lines, first checking if PWD is inside git repository.
# FAST_HIGHLIGHT hash serves as container for variables that
# prevents creating them in global scope. (P) flag is not used,
# output array is fixed (__lines_list).
# $1 - the command, e.g. "git remote"; 2>/dev/null redirection is
#      added automatically
# $2 - FAST_HIGHLIGHT field name, e.g. "chroma-git-branches"; two
#      additional fields will be used, $2-cache, $2-cache-born-at
# $3 - what to remove from beginning of the lines returned by the
#      command
# $4 - cache validity time, default 5 (seconds)
# Output: array __lines_list, with output of the (git) command ran

# User should not forget to define this array, the below code
# will only ensure that it's array (can also define a global)
typeset -ga __lines_list
local -a __response

if [[ $1 == --status ]] {
    integer __status=1

if [[ -z ${FAST_HIGHLIGHT[$2-cache]} || $(( EPOCHSECONDS - FAST_HIGHLIGHT[$2-cache-born-at] )) -gt ${4:-5} ]]; then
    if [[ "$(command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)" = true ]]; then
        __response=( ${${(f)"$(command ${(Qz)${1#+}} 2>/dev/null)"}#$3} )
        integer retval=$?
        if (( __status )) {
            __response=( $retval )
            __lines_list=( $retval )
        } else {
            [[ "$1" = "+"* ]] && \
                __lines_list+=( "${__response[@]}" ) || \
                __lines_list=( "${__response[@]}" )
    # Quoted (s:;:) flag without @ will skip empty elements. It
    # still produces array output, interesingly. All this is for
    # the trailing ";" above, to skip last, empty element.
    [[ "$1" = "+"* ]] && \
        __lines_list+=( "${(@s:;:)FAST_HIGHLIGHT[$2-cache]}" ) || \
        __lines_list=( "${(@s:;:)FAST_HIGHLIGHT[$2-cache]}" )

# vim:ft=zsh:et:sw=4