// KOS functions
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#ifndef kosfunctions_h
#define kosfunctions_h
using namespace std;

string input;

int TSRandomInt(bool useCustomSeed = false, int customSeed = 1, int maxValue = 0)
	if (useCustomSeed == true)

	int modulusvar;

	if (maxValue != 0)
		modulusvar = 1 + maxValue;
	return (rand() % (modulusvar));

void printString(string printString1)
	cout << endl
		 << printString1 << endl;

void printStringInstruction(string printString1)
	cout << endl
		 << printString1 << endl
		 << endl;

void helpCommand()
	if (input == "help")
		cout << endl
			 << "help - lets the user see this menu." << endl
			 << "shutdown - shut's down the software." << endl
			 << "calculator - opens the calculator menu." << endl
			 << "rand - generates a random number." << endl;

void backToMain()
   /* if(input == "back" || input == "Back")
        cout << "entering main menu..." << endl << endl;

