# configs This repository contains most of the configs I use on my systems, this is all for Linux systems, be it servers or workstations. To install it, just run the desktop/server script as the target user, some stuff will need to run as root. # Dependencies - vim - fzf - nnn - zsh - git - curl - lsd (workstations) - nodejs (nvim language server) # TODO [ ] list nvim plugins and auto install [ ] add options for help, only local installs, complete installs and so on [ ] add vim shortcut to resize splits [ ] take a look at autoclosing plugins for nvim [ ] Check if :Rustdebug works with regular vim # Mirrored The origin of this repository is [git.cscherr.de](https://git.cscherr.de/PlexSheep/configs.git) It is mirrored to [github](https://github.com/PlexSheep/configs)