# IBM Cloud `ibmcloud`

!!! important "This section is rendered asynchronously by default"

!!! info
    [**IMB Cloud**](https://www.ibm.com/cloud) is a set of cloud computing services for business offered by the information technology company IBM.

The `ibmcloud` section shows the selected IBM Cloud account by looking up with `ibmcloud target`. Displayed only when the [`ibmcloud`](https://www.ibm.com/cloud/cli) CLI is available.

## Options

| Variable                    |              Default               | Meaning                             |
|:--------------------------- |:----------------------------------:|:----------------------------------- |
| `SPACESHIP_IBMCLOUD_SHOW`   |               `true`               | Show section                        |
| `SPACESHIP_IBMCLOUD_ASYNC`  |               `true`               | Render section asynchronously       |
| `SPACESHIP_IBMCLOUD_PREFIX` |              `using·`              | Section's prefix                    |
| `SPACESHIP_IBMCLOUD_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Section's suffix                    |
| `SPACESHIP_IBMCLOUD_SYMBOL` |                `👔·`                | Symbol displayed before the section |
| `SPACESHIP_IBMCLOUD_COLOR`  |               `039`                | Section's color                     |