# Elixir `elixir` !!! important "This section is rendered asynchronously by default" !!! info [**Elixir**](https://elixir-lang.org) is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications. The `elixir` section displays the version of the Elixir. This section is displayed only when the current directory: * Contains a `mix.exs` file * Contains any other file with `.ex` or `.exs` extension ## Setting the default Elixir version If you want to avoid showing the Elixir section for a specific Elixir version (for example system installed version), use the `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_DEFAULT_VERSION` environment variable. The section will be hidden if the current version of the Elixir is equal to the one specified in the variable. ```zsh title=".zshrc" SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_DEFAULT_VERSION="1.13.4" ``` ## Options | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :--------------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | --------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_SHOW` | `true` | Show section | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_ASYNC` | `true` | Render section asynchronously | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Section's prefix | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Section's suffix | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_DEFAULT_VERSION` | - | Elixir version to be treated as default | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_SYMBOL` | `💧·` | Symbol before the section | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_COLOR` | `magenta` | Section's color |