# Hostname `host` The `host` section displays the hostname of the current machine. By default, it's displayed only when the machine is connected via SSH (`$SSH_CONNECTION` is not empty). ## Always displaying hostname If you want the hostname to be always displayed, set the `SPACESHIP_HOST_SHOW` option to `always`. ```zsh title=".zshrc" # This sets host to be always displayed SPACESHIP_HOST_SHOW="always" ``` ## Displaying full hostname By default, the hostname is displayed in a short form (`%m`). If you want to see the full information (`%M`), set the `SPACESHIP_HOST_SHOW_FULL` option to `true`. ```zsh title=".zshrc" # This displays the full information about the hostname SPACESHIP_HOST_SHOW_FULL=true ``` ## Options | Variable | Default | Meaning | |:-------------------------- |:----------------------------------:| ------------------------------------------ | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_SHOW` | `true` | Show section (`true`, `false` or `always`) | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_SHOW_FULL` | `false` | Show full hostname | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_PREFIX` | `at·` | Section's prefix | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Section's suffix | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_COLOR` | `blue` | Section's color | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_COLOR_SSH` | `green` | Section's color on SSH connection |