# Introduction Bienvenue dans la configuration de Spaceship ! Here is a quick guide of how to adjust Spaceship to your personal workflows. ## Créer un fichier de configuration Pour commencer avec la personnalisation, créez un fichier de configuration : ```zsh touch ~/.spaceshiprc.zsh ``` … ou, si vous préférez conserver votre configuration dans les dossiers `~/.config` ou `~/.config/spaceship`, vous pouvez également : ```zsh mkdir -p ~/.config/spaceship.zsh ``` Le fichier va être sourcé automatiquement par Spaceship quand il démarrera. ## Configure your prompt The configuration file is a `.zsh` file, so you can use `zsh` syntax to customize Spaceship. You can use loops, conditions, custom functions or even source additional `zsh` files. It's up to you. Here's an example of a configuration file: ```zsh # Display time SPACESHIP_TIME_SHOW=true # Display username always SPACESHIP_USER_SHOW=always # Do not truncate path in repos SPACESHIP_DIR_TRUNC_REPO=false # Add custom Ember section # See: https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-ember spaceship add ember # Add a custom vi-mode section to the prompt # See: https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-vi-mode spaceship add --before char vi_mode ``` You can learn more about available options by reading further documentation. [See available options](/config/prompt ""){.md-button} ## Changing the config location Optionally, you can change the location of the configuration file by setting the `SPACESHIP_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable. ```zsh export SPACESHIP_CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/.dotfiles/path/to/spaceship.zsh" ```