# Docker Compose `docker_compose` !!! important "This section is rendered asynchronously by default" !!! info [**Docker Compose**](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. The `docker_compose` module shows the current status of running Docker container. This section is shown only in the projects containing `docker-compose.yml` or `docker-compose.yaml` files. It shows indicators for each of the running containers marked by the first letter of the container name. Indicator will be displayed: * `green` if the container is running * `yellow` if the container is paused * `red` if the container is stopped or errored ## Options | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :-------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ----------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_SHOW` | `true` | Show section | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_ASYNC` | `true` | Render section asynchronously | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_PREFIX` | `runs ` | Section's prefix | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Section's suffix | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_SYMBOL` | `🐙 ` | Symbol displayed before the section | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_COLOR` | `cyan` | Section's color | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_COLOR_UP` | `green` | Color for running containers | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_COLOR_DOWN` | `red` | Color for stopped containers | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_COLOR_PAUSED` | `yellow` | Color for paused containers |